
LETTER: Support Foster and Buszek

I am writing this letter in support of Elaine Foster and Tom Buszek for the Southwestern Michigan College ...


LETTER: Vote for Elaine and Tom

As a lifelong resident of Cass County, I have seen the idea of a community college become a ...

Letters to the Editor

LETTER: Insulted by the representatives

I attended the Southwestern Michigan Board of Trustees candidates town hall at the Pokagan Community Center on Sunday ...

Letters to the Editor

LETTER: Blocked vision

Has anyone else had trouble seeing around the brick “towers” at the ends of both Commercial-Division Street and ...


LETTER: Vote for Kim LaSata

As a mother, a fifth grade teacher, and a State Representative, Kim has shown her dedication to education ...


LETTER: Vote for Fred Upton

I am pleased to announce my endorsement as Berrien County Sherriff in support of Congressman Fred Upton, who ...


LETTER: Support Foster and Buszek

I am writing this letter in support of Elaine Foster and Tom Buszek for the Southwestern Michigan College ...


LETTER: Support Dean Hill

I am writing to support Dean Hill for State Representative in the 78th district. Dean taught for more ...

Letters to the Editor

LETTER: Insidious voter suppression

When I received my ballot for the midterm elections, I noticed that all Republican candidates were listed first ...


LETTER: Let’s fix our health care

The quibbling about Matt Longjohn’s medical credentials has brought us no closer to solving the very real healthcare ...


LETTER: Support Ron McAdam

I am writing this letter in support of Ron McAdam as a candidate for the Cass County Board ...


LETTER: Stop the “false” military political ads

Fred Upton’s negative TV ads claiming that “Longjohn wants to gut our military” are untrue.


LETTER: Auto insurance needs addressed

There is no reason Michigan drivers should be paying the highest auto insurance rates in the nation and ...


LETTER: Vote for Upton

As a southwest Michigan resident, the Great Lakes mean a lot to me. Congressman Fred Upton gets it. ...


LETTER: Vote Dr. Matt Longjohn

Fred Upton has long held his position in Washington, but is very out of touch with his constituents ...


LETTER: Elect Democrat Dennis Smith on Nov. 6

I have viewed the public video provided by the League of Women Voters debate between Rep. Aaron Miller ...


Letters to the Editors: Support Ron McAdam on Nov. 6

Cass County voters in District 2 have an opportunity to do something different and exciting in the upcoming ...


Letter to the Editor: Young Professionals thank community

The Young Professionals of Greater Dowagiac would like to thank all those who made the Third Annual Mommy ...


Letter to the Editor: Vote for LaSata

In this year’s election we have seen an unprecedented amount of third party money being spent on all ...


Letter to the Editor: Michigan in the balance

I remember when the State of Michigan had the best roads and schools in the country.  And after ...


LETTER: Vote for Fred Upton

It has sadly become the norm for politicians to grandstand. Handing out empty promises time and time again, ...


LETTER: Consider your choices

In the Wall Street Journal Oct. 17 issue, William Galston boiled Donald Trump’s rules for governing down to ...


LETTER: Re-elect McKenzie and Obren

SMC trustees Keith McKenzie and Todd Obren have served and are currently serving our college district exceptionally well. ...


LETTER: Vote for Kim LaSata

This November, voters have a clear choice in the race for the 21st State Senate District. Rep. Kim ...


Tired of criticism

I’m sick and tired of listening to the criticism of President Trump

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