LETTER: Vote for Fred Upton
Published 9:23 am Monday, October 22, 2018
It has sadly become the norm for politicians to grandstand. Handing out empty promises time and time again, with dreamy ideas that people want to hear, that will inevitably leave people angry and frustrated with zero results, but not Fred Upton.
Fred has been the champion of getting results. Fred has delivered on the opioid crisis, 21st Century Cures, dredging of the St. Joe harbor and so much more. He is a man that walks the walk and doesn’t need to talk the talk. Instead of empty promises from Fred, we can expect results. We can expect a man of his word who comes through for us.
I do not always agree with Fred, but his passion for working with others is evident. Fred, keep up the hard work. Southwest Michigan is better from it.
Kim Schmidt