Latest Opinion Archives - Leader Publications


Cains: Gullibility, social media and the Martian Invasion of 1938

To this day, I remember an older sister convincing me that people lived inside the moon. Of course, ...


TURNOCK: Anxiety is more common than you think

Anxiety is something many people experience at different levels and at various times in their lives. It often ...


CAINS: The $423 phone call

Heated debate and fierce emotions are often present when engaging in conversation regarding the business of our nation’s ...


Turnock: The holidays are over, now what?

We’ve had our holiday season come and go, much like yesterday’s meatloaf. It feels like every year, we’re ...


Cains: The “X”mas Files

As we approach, linger and eventually wave goodbye to the holiday season each year, most of us have ...


LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Fred Upton out of step with Cass County values

It’s a betrayal of trust when those we elect fail to champion our core values. Jerry Duck, who ...


Harden: Scott Novak, a local hero

To say Scott Novak was an inspiration to me would be an understatement. Over the course of five ...


Eby: Scott Novak, my other better half

In my mind, my relationship with Scott Novak spanned 60 years. One of the Paul Bunyan-like tall tales ...


Cains: Scott Novak remembered for community impact

With the passing of our longtime columnist and sports editor, Scott Novak, there is an emptiness in locker ...


LETTER TO THE EDITOR: The election of 2024

It was a honor to represent the citizens of southwestern Michigan for 16 years as their State  Representative. ...


LETTER TO THE EDITOR: In support of Trump

In support of Trump When you vote for someone, you’re not entering a relationship with them. Their personality ...


LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Time to vote for those who honor our veterans

Editor, Our nation’s veterans have served and protected us. It is our responsibility to elect a President who ...


LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Cass County Democrats celebrate courthouse renovation

Cass County Commissioners, elected officials and employees can be rightly proud at the completion of the County Courthouse ...


Cains: The Most Important Election Ever

The first time I voted in a national election was in 1984. I was 18 years old and ...



You know better. If we want to keep Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, Obamacare, public schools, unions, marry we ...


LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Voting for Harris a step in the right direction for indigenous communities

As a Native American, I must emphasize the critical importance of protecting our sovereignty, rights, and well-being. Voting ...


LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Dowagiac Connected thanks community

Despite the ongoing drizzle, the 11th annual Dowagiac fireworks show was a success. The rain did not stop ...


LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Vote Tyler, Weich for Berrien County

Always the bridesmaid, never the bride, I’ve worked for everything from bond issues to get-out-the-vote to local/state/national candidates ...


LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Re-elect Jones, Elliott for Cass, Berrien Commissions

In the unique position to know personally the Chairs of both the Cass and Berrien County Commissions, I ...


LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Vote Weich for County Treasurer

Dear Editor, Qualifications, experience, and results matter when we consider the person who will be holding the important ...


LETTER TO THE EDITOR: George McManus a must for Drain Office

George is an absolute must and the perfect person to lead the County Drain  Office. George is an ...


LETTER TO THE EDITOR: In support of Sharon Tyler for County Commissioner

Editor, I have known Sharon Tyler and even worked for her at one time. I knew her to ...

Newsletter Opinion

LETTER TO THE EDITOR: In support of Shelly Weich for Berrien County Treasurer

Dear Editor,  This letter is in strong support of Berrien County Treasurer Shelly Weich in her bid for ...

Newsletter Opinion

LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Dowagiac’s focus not on non-downtown areas

Dear residents of the City of Dowagiac, I know if you’ve driven around the city, you have seen ...


LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Infrastructure important to Buchanan community

Patting infrastructure on a “not important” list has consequences for a community. For example, your May 18 article ...

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