Newsletter Opinion

KAUFMANN: In search for a bigger heart

Sometimes the troubles of the world directly affect our lives. The continued pandemic and its variants are stressing ...

Newsletter Opinion

PERSKY: Health officer pleads with community to prevent COVID-19

How many people would still be alive if not for COVID? How many more loved ones and people ...

Newsletter Opinion

LASATA: Bundle up and explore Michigan’s great outdoors

Winter in Michigan provides a wide variety of enjoyable activities that range from a day of family fun ...


LETTER TO THE EDITOR: A thanks to the community

On behalf of Helping Hands of Cass County, we cannot close out 2021 without celebrating the generosity of ...



It is that time of year when parents are trying to juggle holiday events along with work schedules, ...


LASATA: Protect your privacy

I hope everyone was able to set aside some much-needed time away from their busy lives and enjoy ...


APPLEGATE: Niles Community Schools gives thanks to school community, partners

As the weather cools and the days become shorter, we know that winter is nearly upon us. With ...

Newsletter Opinion

RIDINGS: Fund local journalism to help communities

In “The Kamikaze Democrats” (Review & Outlook, Nov. 22), the editorial board describes the Local Journalism Sustainability Act, ...


LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Thank you from Cass County Cancer Service

We are ever so grateful for our friends at Imperial Furniture for their annual fundraiser in October, Real ...

Newsletter Opinion

LASATA: LaSata’s third annual Coat Drive a success

Southwest Michigan residents have again let their generosity shine through. The third annual Kim’s Coat Drive for Kids ...

Newsletter Opinion

CULTON: Finding thanks in the hard times

It’s been a hard year for a lot of people. The lingering COVID-19 pandemic has left so many ...

Newsletter Opinion

KAUFFMAN: Prioritizing an ounce of prevention

In 1735, Benjamin Franklin published a persuasive article on fire safety in The Pennsylvania Gazette that began with ...


LASATA: Lend a helping hand this holiday season

Owning and operating a business is the cornerstone of the American dream. For generations, people have traveled to ...

Letters to the Editor

LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Another perspective

I would like to submit my personal opinions and comments to the story concerning the Niles Macinos fighting ...

Newsletter Opinion


The law presumes that it is in the best interest of a child to have a strong relationship ...


LASATA: Enjoy a safe and successful hunting season!

Hunting is a Michigan tradition that has been passed on for generations and a critical part of our ...


PUCKETT: God…remember him?

It might be a good idea to revisit the concept of God. Not gods, but the One, The ...


SHELTON: Response to a citizen’s questions to city leaders

Editor’s Note: These answers were compiled with input from City Administrator Ric Huff. Niles Mayor Nick Shelton has ...

Letters to the Editor

LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Health department resignations a blow to Berrien County

I’m devastated by the resignations or Courtney Davis, interim director of Berrien County Public Health Department and Gillian ...


LETTER: A citizen’s questions for the city leaders of Niles — marijuana sales

The following questions were submitted by Niles resident Jeanne Watson. • Isn’t the City of Niles breaking Federal ...

Newsletter Opinion

STAFFORD: Newspaper modernization protects Michigan citizens

Julie Stafford is the president of the Michigan Press Association and the publisher of the Greeneville Daily News. ...


LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Cass County employees worry about fate of retirement funding

Following statements made by the Cass County Administration, employees including myself are under extreme stress regarding the pending ...

Newsletter Opinion

CASS COUNTY FRIEND OF THE COURT: What are best interest factors?

During a child custody proceeding, a court is required to determine legal and physical custody of a child ...

Newsletter Opinion

NELDON: Apple Festival about more than treats and fun

Rock band Cinderella said it best: “you don’t know what you’ve got ‘til it’s gone.” This old adage ...

Newsletter Opinion

LASATA: Made in Michigan!

Farming and food production are critical economic drivers in Michigan — and both industries include countless small businesses ...

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