
LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Consider the history of Lewis Cass

I am addressing this to the superintendent as well as the Lewis Cass Board of Education as “food ...


LETTER TO THE EDITOR: The contrast between Trump, Biden could not be more clear

Many distinguished national security experts have publicly warned that Donald Trump is a severe threat to the security ...


LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Get to know Amy East

The majority (about 70 percent) of registered voters in Michigan’s 59th House District (covers all of St. Joseph ...


LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Vote absentee for the Nov. 3 election

Vote absentee for the Nov. 3 election and don’t use the mail!  If you get a ballot in ...


LETTER TO THE EDITOR: The decision of the MHSAA for 2020

It’s unfortunate that the Michigan High School Athletic Association has become the lightning rod for anger following its ...


LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Elect Julie Dye to the Cass County Board of Commissioners

Julie Dye, who is running for the Cass County Board of Commissioners, District One, has a unique distinction: ...

Letters to the Editor

LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Our future depends on our votes

Several weeks ago, our president said that the U.S. Postal Service is a joke. Well, I am not ...

Letters to the Editor

LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Join in voting for Larry Walton

On Aug. 4, each one of us have the opportunity to elect individual to represent us, and I ...

Letters to the Editor

LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Cast your vote on Aug. 4 for Larry Walton

Larry Walton’s campaign brochure says his experience and involvement in our community have uniquely prepared him to be ...

Letters to the Editor

LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Support Larry Walton for the 59th District State Representative

As we embark on a very important election year, we encourage you to consider supporting Larry Walton for ...

Letters to the Editor

LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Consider visiting the shelter before purchasing an animal

Thank you for the informative article about the continued good work Ron Butts is doing as animal control ...

Letters to the Editor

LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Vote with conviction

As a Democrat, I never really dug into the candidates I voted for. This political season is different ...

Letters to the Editor

LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Vote for Jack Coleman for 59th District Representative

I have known Jack Coleman now for the last year. I became acquainted with him upon his announcing ...

Letters to the Editor

LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Vote Walton for State Rep.

I am writing to endorse Larry Walton for the 59th District State Representative in Michigan. I express this ...

Letters to the Editor

LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Walton Right Choice for State Representative

For the past several decades, we in the 59th District have been blessed with effective and successful state ...

Letters to the Editor

LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Vote for Walton for 59th District State Representative

I am writing to express my wholehearted support for Larry Walton as 59th District State Representative of Michigan. ...

Letters to the Editor

LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Vote in favor of the Cass County millage

I am writing this letter to encourage Cass County residents to vote in favor of the millage request ...

Letters to the Editor

LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Some people only think about themselves

For the millionth time, I read about someone whose family member caught COVID-19 and said, “Wearing a piece ...


LTE: Joe Biden is the president we need

Joe Biden is a patriotic leader who believes in the principles of our constitution and cares about the ...


LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Dan VandenHeede is the right person for the 78th District

On Nov. 3, residents of the 78th district have an opportunity to elect a truly outstanding individual to ...


LETTER TO THE EDITOR: All veterans are important, deserve to be thanked

“All veterans are important and deserve to be thanked for their service.” Women veterans have always played an ...


LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Vote ‘yes’ to the COA’s renewal Millage Proposition for Service to Older Citizens

We are in the heart of election season.  With so many national issues at the forefront, we need ...


LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Changing our nation’s historical identity

After reading the story in today’s [Saturday] Dowagiac Daily News, “Lewis Cass ISD Considers Title (Name) Change” because ...


LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Vote to support senior citizens

This August, Cass County residents have the opportunity to vote to continue services to older citizens through the ...


LETTER TO THE EDITOR: ‘I stand with that woman from Michigan’

I am proudly wearing my T-shirt today, the one that says, “I stand with ‘that woman from Michigan.’” ...

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