Letters to the Editor

The GOP plan to remake the U.S.

You’re in the 1 percent, right? Sick of government catering to everyone’s needs? Wanna get even richer? Here’s ...


Vacation vs. retirement

Big John Hudson lumbered through the front door of the diner, languidly dropped his ball cap down onto ...

Leader Columnists

Before you record, react

Americans are up in arms this week after seeing video of a United Airlines passenger being dragged off ...

Letters to the Editor

Syrian strike not a cause to celebrate

Shortly after President Trump ordered a missile strike against a Syrian airbase, Republican Sens. John McCain and Lindsey ...

Letters to the Editor

Depot donors keep on shining

As of April 1, we have $4,690 in the bank for the “Light Up The Depot” campaign. We ...

Letters to the Editor

Some facts that will blow you away

Like me, anyone driving their vehicle in open places last Thursday afternoon can attest to the fact that ...


Easter is a time for renewal of purpose

Just as spring is the season of rebirth and renewal, Easter is a time for spiritual rebirth and ...


Helping kids choose healthy eating

Imagine this: you have just come home hungry after a long day at school, and a fresh apple ...

Brandywine Education

The three R’s and beyond

After spring break, our kids come back to testing season. As many of you know, the Michigan tests ...


The Orphan Train and The Grand Old City

The Orphan Train and Dowagiac’s connection to it will be fully explored in 2017, through a series of ...

Letters to the Editor

Where are the true progressives?

To my fellow in habitants of this very fragile planet — we are faced with a monumental choice. ...


The, as yet, unfinished history of politics

Part 3 This is a history lesson, told in three parts, contrived in the truest sense of fabricated ...

Letters to the Editor

Where are the true progressives?

To my fellow in habitants of this very fragile planet — we are faced with a monumental choice. ...

Leader Columnists

Finding the next generation of leaders

Throughout the next several weeks, Niles and Buchanan will celebrate its business community at the respective chambers’ annual ...

Letters to the Editor

Environmental regulations create jobs

The Trump administration and congressional Republicans, including Rep. Fred Upton, are waging a highly destructive and misguided war ...

Letters to the Editor

We are in big trouble

As president, we have a gentleman who has always had money. He expected people to do what he ...

Letters to the Editor

Art is vital to our community

According to Americans for the Arts, the nonprofit arts industry (museums, theater and dance companies, performing arts centers, ...


Agriculture makes a tremendous impact in our daily lives

We celebrated National Agriculture Day last month. It is a time to talk with Michigan farmers about the ...


Sears, Kmart, malls: my new worry list

My wife and I met on a blind date at a Bonanza restaurant in a nearby shopping mall ...


Good governing requires openess

It’s nearly impossible to get Republican and Democrats to agree on almost anything these days, especially in today’s ...

Letters to the Editor

Gerrymandering kills democracy

According to CountMIVote, a group of Michigan citizens working for non-partisan redistricting reform, “Gerrymandering is the process of ...


The, as yet, unfinished history of politics

Part 2 This is a history lesson, told in three parts, contrived in the truest sense of fabricated ...

Leader Columnists

Summer is a great time to explore Michiana

Believe it or not, summer is right around the corner. I know, I know. I shouldn’t say that ...


U.S. continues to head down scary path

A rather bizarre video has been making its way around the internet over the last few days, highlighting another ...

Letters to the Editor

A bipartisan approach is needed to improve health care

The demise of Paul Ryan and Donald Trump’s misguided effort to “repeal and replace” the Affordable Care Act ...

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