Easter is a time for renewal of purpose

Published 9:29 am Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Just as spring is the season of rebirth and renewal, Easter is a time for spiritual rebirth and renewal.
On Easter Sunday, families throughout southwest Michigan and the world will gather together for church services and an Easter meal.
Children will open Easter baskets filled with chocolate bunnies and jelly beans, and they will participate in Easter egg hunts.
While these family traditions are wonderful and worth continuing, Easter is about much more.
Easter is a celebration of the most important event in the Christian faith: the resurrection of Jesus Christ.
Remembering and praising the sacrifice of Jesus’ life on Good Friday and his resurrection three days later is at the heart of Christianity. You could even say that defines the faith.
While Easter is a Christian holiday, it offers everyone an opportunity to examine our principles and morals that we endeavor to instill in our children. Among these are kindness to our neighbors, charity toward the less fortunate, respect for people of all backgrounds and being part of something greater than ourselves.
As a Christian, I believe that Jesus died to save us from sin and that we must strive to walk in his footsteps. We are all human and will stray from his graceful path, but it is important to know the destination and do our best to get there.
At the core of that belief — and of my position as your state senator — is helping and serving others.
I will continue to aim to fulfill my duties as a Christian, husband, father and public servant as best I can for my family, my state and the people of southwest Michigan. I am dedicated to being a good public servant, which includes helping area residents with a wide range of issues and listening to their viewpoints and concerns.
I encourage all of us to mark this holiday by striving to improve ourselves and to grow in our own unique ways.

Sen. John Proos, R-St. Joseph, represents southwest Michigan.