Leader Columnists

Continuing to entertain our readers

Anyone who has spent time in southwest Michigan and northern Indiana is apt to tell you that the ...

Letters to the Editor

Republicans need to support their presidential candidate

I am so disappointed in some of my favorite Republicans: the Bushes, Mitt Romney, John Kasich (who I ...

Letters to the Editor

Misogyny a core tenet of Trump campaign

Misogyny is defined as entrenched prejudices against, contempt for, and (at times) hatred of women or girls. It ...


A whole lot to say

Sometimes, saying a lot requires very few words. Sometimes, rambling on and on says nothing at all. When ...


College continues to invest in local students

Nearly a year after taking the wraps off its renovated O’Leary Building, officials with Southwestern Michigan College finally ...

Letters to the Editor

Hillary Clinton has my vote

Hillary Clinton is clearly the right choice to become our next commander in chief My 20 years in ...

Letters to the Editor

Townhip residents encourage city voters to ‘Pick Nick

I am writing about Nick Shelton whom is running for Mayor of Niles. My husband and I have ...


Annual CROP Walk provides many benefits

Once per year, Cass County area churches joins forces to help fight hunger. And they need your help ...

Letters to the Editor

Nick Shelton has shown support of worthy cause

I am writing this letter in support of Mr. Nick Shelton, who is running for Niles City Mayor. ...

Letters to the Editor

Hillary Clinton has my vote

Hillary Clinton is clearly the right choice to become our next commander in chief My 20 years in ...

Letters to the Editor

Pokagon Fund supporting Big Brothers and Sisters

On behalf of the staff and board of directors at Big Brothers Big Sisters of Berrien & Cass, ...

Letters to the Editor

Nick Shelton’s upbeat attitude is infectious

I first met Nick Shelton four years ago when he began a P90x program at Lace Dance and ...

Letters to the Editor

COA Front Street Crossing a hidden treasure for community

I would just like to tell the people of Dowagiac about what seems like a hidden treasure right down ...

Letters to the Editor

Congressman Upton’s lack of communication troubling

The letter in the Sept. 22 issue of the Dowagiac Daily News from Cindy Miller, in response to ...


Southwest Michigan families say thank you to area farmers

Michigan is home to more than 52,000 farms — more than 95 percent of which are family owned ...

Letters to the Editor

Cass County prosecutor endorses Teter for judge

Please accept my strong endorsement of Scott Teter for Cass County Circuit Judge. The position of Circuit Court ...

Letters to the Editor

Trump campaign chair makes inaccurate racist claims

Trump campaign chair makes inaccurate racist claims On Wednesday, Sept. 21, Kathy Miller, the campaign chair for Donald ...


Who came up with a name like that?

PART TWO   What’s happened so far: The regular members of the Circular Congregation Breakfast Club were sitting ...

Letters to the Editor

No more whining

My message for Congressional candidate Paul Clements: “Quit your whining.” Yes, of course, Rep. Fred Upton agreed to ...

Letters to the Editor

Where is Fred Upton, the people’s representative?

When I voice a concern to Rep. Fred Upton’s aides I do receive a letter regarding said issue, ...


Storytime with Larry D. Wilson

PART ONE The usual members of the Circular Congregation Breakfast Club were sitting around the round oak table ...


Have a safe, successful deer hunting experience

Hunting has always been a favorite tradition and pastime of many Southwest Michigan families, and I will continue ...


Rain did not ruin fair fun

“Kick up your Heels” was the theme for the 2016 Berrien County Youth Fair and if you forgot ...

Leader Columnists

Long trip helps drive important message home

Nothing like age and circumstances to remind us that we aren’t invincible and that no one is guaranteed ...

Leader Columnists

A pie in the face

As the world turns hues of orange and yellow, much of the population goes crazy over all things ...

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