Newsletter Opinion

CULTON: Fourth of July fun is just around the corner

It’s almost that perfect time of the summer when the smell of barbecue on the grill fills the ...

Newsletter Opinion

EDITORIAL: It’s a high crime to betray a community

When Michigan State Police Trooper and Central Cass Fire Assistant Chief Jesse Binns was arrested in September 2018, ...


LASATA: Fourth of July, fireworks safety

“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by ...


LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Jon Hoadley is a breath of fresh air

State Representative Jon Hoadley is running for election to become the next U.S. Congressman from Michigan’s 6th district ...

Newsletter Opinion

PAQUETTE: Highlighting key passed department budgets

Brad Paquette, R, represents the 78th District, which covers Berrien county.  Last week in the Michigan House of Representatives, ...

Newsletter Opinion

PUCKETT: Promotion without process is empty

The Bible, the Word of Almighty God, speaks in principles which never change. Context changes, circumstances change, but ...

Newsletter Opinion

OUR VIEW: Best of luck to the new superintendent

Dowagiac Union Schools has settled on a leader. Following a second round of interviews Monday night, the Dowagiac ...


OUR VIEW: Budget cuts should be made prudently

The Buchanan Board of Education may deserve an A for effort but an Incomplete when it comes to ...

Newsletter Opinion

NELDON: New perspectives will serve us well in newsroom

On the way to St. Joseph last week, a colleague from Alabama pointed out that there were a ...

Newsletter Sports

LA SATA: Giving hope, fostering futures

There are about 13,000 youth currently living in foster care in Michigan. As one can imagine, being in ...

Newsletter Opinion

CULTON: Get ready for summer

It’s the most wonderful time of the year. No, not Christmas — summer! Summer is just a few ...


OUR VIEW: Lots of ways to keep learning throughout summer break

School’s out for the summer! With the school year behind us and many fun-filled days of summer ahead, ...


Letter to Editor: Are taxpayers being punished by tax bill?

Trump claimed the 2017 Tax Law would pay for itself, would spur corporations to pay raises of $4,000 ...

Newsletter Opinion

EDITORIAL: Congratulations, southwest Michigan

Last week, United Way of Southwest Michigan led a Day of Action in which businesses and individuals from ...


LETTER: Officials should think twice before decriminalizing marijuana

In the Thursday, June 13 Daily Star, we again see familiar faces pictured in the article advocating all ...


NOVAK: Return to Mayberry — Summertime

Some of the best times of my life were during summer vacation. After working hard to get good ...

Newsletter Opinion

EDITORIAL: Choose the next Dowagiac superintendent wisely

Tuesday and Wednesday, the Dowagiac Board of Education began the interview process for a new superintendent. In all ...

Newsletter Opinion

PURCELL: My remarkably ‘unremarkable’ father

My dad turns 86 next month. He never thought he’d live so long — or see as many ...

Newsletter Opinion

NELDON: What is your ‘place,’ Michiana?

When it comes to dining out, we all have our “place.”

Newsletter Opinion

WILSON: I like the Blues

I like the Blues. Chicago Blues, St. Louis Blues, Memphis Blues, Kansas City Blues, Delta Blues — I like ...

Newsletter Opinion

CULTON: Thank you, Dad

My most cherished childhood memories feature my dad driving me down some back road with the windows down ...

Newsletter Opinion

LASATA: June is Internet Safety Month

It is hard to believe that the modern smartphone is slightly over a decade old. In that time, ...

Newsletter Opinion

KAUFMANN: Summer water safety

Once as a young mom, I stopped at a beach in North Carolina after visiting a friend. My ...

Newsletter Opinion

PAQUETTE: What issues are most important to you?

Lately, there have been a lot of developments at the Capitol. The Michigan House, for the first time ...

Newsletter Opinion

OLKOWSKI: Your Cass County Friend of the Court: Do you need a child support ‘tune-up?’

Do you have a child support case with the Cass County Friend of The Court? Do you feel ...

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