Letters to the Editor

Letter to the editor: Buchanan family thankful for support

It lifted our spirits in a way none could have imagined and it left such a lasting impression ...


Cardinal Charlie: 4,000 turned out to see new high school

I was surprised recently when in the mail we got a letter from state Sen. John Proos. Enclosed ...


Cass County courts held in high esteem

The National Association of Drug Court Professionals’ All Rise America! On the Road for Recovery stops in Cassopolis ...


Michael Bennett: Leader wants your photographs

I am too busy to write a column today.

Letters to the Editor

To the editor: Thank you Howard Township first responders

On Feb. 2, 2013, I had to call 911 for an ambulance for my husband, Chuck. As is ...


John Proos: Blossomtime a time to celebrate in Southwest Michigan

Every year, my fellow area legislators and I proudly welcome the year’s Blossomtime pageant finalists to the state ...


Stephanie Salisbury: On tragedy, the media and hope

It’s times like these I often have the song “Dirty Laundry” by the Eagles playing in my head: ...


Jack Strayer: President Obama’s explosive week

I just crumpled up and threw away the column I spent the weekend writing because it suddenly became ...


Freshmen mentors paying big dividends

  If this was Paul Harvey, the rest of February’s Starfish Story would be the immediate phenomenal progress ...

Letters to the Editor

Letter to the editor: How are our trees doing?

To the editor: For a number of years, the Niles Garden Club has planted a tree somewhere in ...

Letters to the Editor

Letter to the editor: Lack of life rings concerning

To the editor: Be careful if you are on the south pier this year.  Why? Your county commissioners ...

Letters to the Editor

Letter to the editor: Politicians lack common sense

I would like to express my frustration with our politicians that we have elected to represent our nation. ...


Our View: Even versus odd

There are many reasons why Niles should change city council elections from odd-numbered years to even-numbered years.


Michael Bennett: Volunteer-centered ‘Giving’ to launch May 2

You will all be pleased to know I survived my move this weekend, although I’m still living out ...


Campaigns underscore safety

TROOPER ROB This article may have been seen recently in other news releases, but I would like to ...

Letters to the Editor

Go see Beckwith’s ‘Playing Doctor’

If you want a break from the rollercoaster weather and need a good laugh, treat yourself to a ...


Cardinal Charlie: Cass connected to space shuttle move

    Not too long ago when I read about them moving the space shuttle Endeavor through Los ...


William Crandell: Trickle-down theory a wealthy man’s lie

Quite often I hear accusations from his opponents that President Obama is a socialist and that he believes ...


David Mann: The case for even-year elections

By moving elections to even years, the same as congressional and presidential elections, we will be encouraging more ...


Citizens not getting what they voted for in 2008

    Marihuana prohibition is thought to be on its last legs because most Americans no longer support ...


Michael Bennett: Heading back to Dowagiac

I’m heading back to downtown Dowagiac after six months of living in Niles Township.


Cardinal Charlie: steering a Model T an adventure

      I was talking to a man older than me and I told him I never ...


John Proos: Michigan ranked 4th for business expansion

During the past two years, we have made bold reforms to turn around our economy and attract job ...


William Crandell: Mayflower spill a sign of things to come

Recently, our country witnessed another major oil spill.

Letters to the Editor

Gill apologizes

To the editor: In response to the letter to the editor from Jack Hartsell on April 4, this ...

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