Letter to the editor: How are our trees doing?

Published 9:06 am Thursday, April 25, 2013

To the editor:

For a number of years, the Niles Garden Club has planted a tree somewhere in our community on Arbor Day — or close to that date — hoping that this action would bring attention to the importance of trees in our environment and encourage others to do their own tree planting. Of course, we always hope that the trees we plant will flourish and provide beauty, shade, oxygen and nesting sites for years to come.
As our committee was planning this year’s event, we began reviewing former plantings and wondering about the “success” of the trees.
It’s easy to see what’s happening to those planted by the library and in Riverfront Park, but it’s not easy to determine how those planted at school sites have fared. So, in the interest of historical data, and attempting to understand the benefit of this endeavor, and satisfy our curiosity, we are seeking feedback.
Between 1998 and 2006, trees were planted at all of the Niles schools plus Brandywine High School. Most of the trees were serviceberry, but a couple early ones were white weeping crab.
If you have any knowledge of the condition of the Niles Garden Club’s Arbor Day trees at those particular schools, or if you were a student and have any memory of the actual planting ceremony at any of the schools, we would appreciate learning of your information, either through email (dnoid@qtm.net) or a phone call (269) 684-3627.
Thank you.

Carol Noid, July Richter, Lois Rusch
Arbor Day Committee