Letters to the Editor

Leaders should put stamp of approval on post office dispensary

Our little town is at a crossroads. Going back is not an option. Heavy industry has left us ...

Letters to the Editor

Thanks for supporting our fallen vets

I want to thank Bob Ahrens and Odas Stewart for all the work they did to make this year’s ...


Big John earns a little extra cash

Sarah’s Diner was uncharacteristically quiet. Harry, Mort, Jimmy and Tommy were already seated at the big, round, simulated ...

Letters to the Editor

Explaining next art classes

The Cass Area Artists is a group of artists and crafters who meet monthly at the Lowe Center ...

Letters to the Editor

If you care about the courthouse

Most of us are not aware of the status of the vintage Cass County courthouse.  We may know ...


How much do you hate property taxes?

Many people in my hometown have been freaking out over their property tax appraisals, so it was timely ...

Letters to the Editor

I’m happy that ‘Mad Dog’ Mattis is on our side

On Sunday, I watched John Dickerson interview Secretary of Defense James Mattis on CBS’ “Face the Nation.” After ...

Letters to the Editor

Russia investigation is critically important

Former FBI Director Robert Mueller has been appointed as special counsel to investigate “any links and/or coordination between ...


Giving students a leg up for in-demand careers

It is graduation season, and although Michigan’s economy is growing and creating jobs, many positions remain unfilled. A ...


CTE programs making a difference

Our main priority at Niles Community Schools is to prepare students for success. Preparing students takes many different ...

Leader Columnists

Honoring our fallen veterans

For many Americans, the next several days will be action packed. As the unofficial start of summer, Memorial ...


Ogden’s shoreline odyssey

Ogden Petersburg was a usual type of guy. He awoke every morning at his usual time, ate his ...

Leader Columnists

Beating the ‘I’m bored’ syndrome

While waiting to board a plane at the South Bend airport this week, I overheard a family discussing ...


The AHCA bill and community health centers

The waiting room of our health center, Cassopolis Family Clinic Network, is thousands of miles from the U.S. ...

Letters to the Editor

Huge thanks to everyone who made golf outing a success

We would like to take this opportunity to extend our thanks to the community and sponsors for another ...

Letters to the Editor

City needs to take care of veterans’ graves

I recently came back to Dowagiac to visit with family and friends. While here I also took time to ...

Letters to the Editor

Carrying on the Father’s legacy

There are unexpected moments in a person’s life. I had such a moment where attended a dinner party, ...


Reflecting on the true cost of freedom

Memorial Day is the unofficial beginning of summer. Families will get together to grill hotdogs and hamburgers, and ...


Dowagiac Union Schools May Starfish Story: Kay Skogen

Sister Lakes Elementary would like to introduce Mrs. Kay Skogen. Mrs. Skogen has worked for Dowagiac Schools for ...


Too much real news for one to handle

As my deadline neared for this monthly column, I became more and more anxious about finding something worthwhile ...

Letters to the Editor

Getting to the bottom of Trump-Russia

With the appointment of Robert Mueller as special counsel for the investigation of the Russian connection to President ...


Malcolm James Thornwhistle: adventurer at-large

Malcolm James Thornwhistle (of the Downhampton Thornwhistles) was a world renowned adventurer and Nerf gun marksman. He was ...

Letters to the Editor

Post office, community supporting the hungry

On behalf of ACTION Ministries, I would like to thank all those who took part in the recent ...

Letters to the Editor

Thanks for supporting the elderly

The Timbers of Cass County would like to give the following businesses a sincere thank-you for providing gift ...

Leader Columnists

Words of wisdom energize leaders

“If you want instant, you can have it. Just know that instant will only give you average. Success ...

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