Explaining next art classes

Published 6:40 pm Wednesday, May 31, 2017

The Cass Area Artists is a group of artists and crafters who meet monthly at the Lowe Center Council on Aging to talk about the art that they are currently doing and also about regional art activities. 

Our main project each year is an annual show — this year July 15 — hosted on the grounds of the COA Decatur Road. I hope you can attend.

In addition, we have an art gallery-style display at the Cass District Library in Cassopolis, and one wall of the gallery at the Dowagiac Dogwood Gallery at Huntington Bank.

Our members range from persons just interested in art to beginners (I call them “emerging artists”) and professional artists. They work in various media, including wood-turning, clay, jewelry, fiber art, water color, oil, acrylic and digital. We have members from Edwardsburg, Niles, Cassopolis, Vandalia and Marcellus. 

The Cass Area Artists recently co-sponsored a drawing class for children and adults and beginning June 16, will co-sponsor painting classes at the Cass District Library in Cassopolis.  The course will be taught by professional artist Sharron Ott-Bartemio and will cover fundamentals for four sessions, and then progress to the point that participants will be self directed, but have a teacher immediately available for help and guidance.

Both beginners and advanced students participate in Sharron’s classes, not only to learn and advance, but to share the art experience with other artists. The fee is $12 per class and a supplies list is available at the Cass District Library.

Our motto is “Have fun and feel better with art.” It seems we feel better making art and also having it in our homes and businesses.

