Letters to the Editor

Lack of jobs no reason for unrest

In listening to the two mouthpieces sent out by the U.S. State Department, we are supposed to believe ...

Leader Columnists

Dowagiac Union Schools students on a roll

Friday morning, perhaps the most exciting news of the year thus far broke — that Dowagiac Union High ...

Letters to the Editor

Customers deserve convenience of purchasing alcohol in supermarkets

We are a family-owned business employing some 3,400 people, operating 18 stores in Indiana and three in Michigan.

Letters to the Editor

Soup lunch was a success

The women of Beta Sigma Ohi, chapters, Masters, Xi Delta Mu and Kappa Beta are pleased to announce ...

Letters to the Editor

Economy is not the problem

In listening to the two mouthpieces sent out by the U.S. State Department, we are supposed to believe ...


Part one: The Witch and the Alchemist

Edna could not claim mystical royal lineage. She was not an enchanted princess that had been cursed by ...


Offering women the tool of self-defense

“Women must not depend on the protection of a man but must be taught to defend herself.”


Bills protect fair hunting practices, hunters’ rights

With an abundance of game animals and birds, Michigan attracts more hunters than any other state because our ...


Seniors beware of Medicare tactics

When the Clinton Administration began its quest for national health reform back in 1993, I had a front-row ...


Working together

Niles Community Schools benefits from having a community that is passionate and dedicated to the success of its ...

Leader Columnists

Horizons offers glimpse into why area is so special

Hopefully, by the time you read these words, you’ve already been drawn into our 34th annual Horizons edition ...

Leader Columnists

Something of which to be proud

This week, a Brandywine student made school history. The seventh-grader out-spelled 65 other students in a countywide spelling ...


Creating a strong community

In September I wrote about my beliefs as an educator and school administrator and my philosophy that we ...

Leader Columnists

Why free Internet matters

“Newspapers are dead, and the Internet killed them.” For years now, this has been the refrain spouted by ...


Integrity and extraordinary Fred

I first saw the extraordinary “Fred” practiced by my father, as a tool and die maker for one ...


Pencils and sharpeners disappearing too

Continuing from last week, the next object or set of objects disappearing from elementary schools is the hand-cranked ...

Leader Columnists

Relay for Life making difference one dollar, one person at a time

There are always lots of things going on across southwest Michigan. Communities from the Lake Michigan shore to ...

Leader Columnists

Heroes and heritage in our backyards

Who is your hero? I’ve been asked this question more times than I can count, and I’ve always ...


Looking for a job or considering a career change?

The Pure Michigan Talent Connect website offers a variety of tools to help connect jobs seekers with employers. ...


Big John and the break-up

“It’s time for a break up,” Big John Hudson burst through the front door, threw his ball cap ...


Blackboards have place in classroom

Recently I read an article about 10 things disappearing from elementary schools.

Letters to the Editor

Income inequality a priority

President Obama has presented a series of tax proposals that would reduce the federal income taxes of middle ...


And that’s the way it is

For those of us old enough to remember Walter Cronkite, we heard him say “And that’s the way ...


Snow removal in southwest Michigan

Snow has fallen — and fallen — and fallen. This is not an uncommon sight, in the middle ...


Enjoy Michigan’s free fishing weekend Feb. 14-15

With more than 3,000 miles of Great Lakes shoreline, 36,000 miles of rivers and 11,000 inland lakes, Michigan ...

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