No need to ‘beware of the Tea Party’

Published 9:31 am Thursday, June 12, 2014

I read Mr. Crandell’s letter titled, “Beware of the Tea Party,” in the Leader, and was more than a little bewildered at the hatred he has for those involved in that movement.

I was also wondering about the facts he claims like: they don’t want drivable roads and effective sewers; they want to eliminate the tax burden (as though all of it); seek to de-fund our essential services; skilled at telling angry people what they want to hear regardless of the consequences, which lead to scapegoating and violent actions; deny scientific facts; ignore scientific fact and shove creationism down everyone’s throat; “serve the corporate agenda, which has nothing to do with saving this great nation but increasing the record profits that they are already receiving;” and then you indicate that it’s Tea Party members that want to ship jobs overseas, destroy the middle-class and the unions that built it, destroy regulations that protect our environment without regard to safety or future generations, and steal the future of our children so wealthy get more tax breaks.

I’ve gone to several various meetings in the area seeking to learn more about this movement, the local R&D parties, and a couple of others. I can honestly say that nobody I met at any of those meetings or events met Mr. Crandell’s claims. My interest in learning the political groups and what they believe began when I saw our children’s future stolen by both parties in control, now ballooning to something like $18 trillion in debt and God only knows the total in unfunded liabilities onto their backs and the backs of their grandchildren. Mind you, this is the work of both parties and has gone on since 1964, but turned into debt on steroids beginning in 2005. Then, during the 2009 recession, those steroids became so severe, I said this must stop and began to get educated on the political genres, ideologies, terminologies and hyperboles.

I also contacted our federal elected leaders pleading with them to create a real “Lockbox Law” that will take the funds for Social Security and Medicare and lock them up so they can only be used for their intended purposes, produce a “Balanced Budget Amendment,” and a “Term Limit Amendment” which I think 12/12 years in both offices enough. I was told by all three (Rep Upton and senators Stabenow and Levin) that won’t happen.

First, they have their claws in a source of revenue and these systems are the sources. All the money goes to the U.S. Treasury and it’s not separated or locked up in some “Trust Fund” they tell us, with a wink, wink. The budget-balanced idea would break up their power and control, and it gets worse from this point on.

Anyway, after reading Mr. Crandell’s column, I thought it important to ask him to clarify exactly where the information came from because I believe way too much to be inaccurate, in total.

I’ve met many of the people he is talking about, and I know of none that match his descriptions.

I also think that such comments truly belittle the party he wants to promote and the causes he wants to cheer on, when his antagonism and animosity is such clearly political nonsense talking points that’s used solely by hardcore Democrat operatives without a clue to the truth about the people within the movement you claim expert knowledge of.

In my opinion, getting to know people and expressing your ideas and ideals without “violent actions” works to learn the truth about each other, each one’s intentions and desires for the future of our community, our state, and our great country.


Dr. Scott Davis
