LETTER: Republicans protect Trump, betray America

Published 9:28 am Wednesday, December 20, 2017

The House Judiciary Committee recently heard testimony from Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein about Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation of Russian interference in the 2016 election, and possible collusion between Russia and the Trump campaign.

The hearing produced a great deal of acrimony from Republican members of the committee. The general positions of the Republican participants were congruent with Donald Trump’s position, that the Special Counsel’s investigation is a “witch hunt.”

I have no doubt that the acrimony the Republicans are putting forth is framed in this manner because they know the president is probably guilty of involvement in helping the Russians affect the outcome of the 2016 election. They simply do not want all the incriminating evidence to become public.

In all past elections, has there ever been one where so many high-level people in a campaign met so many times with so many representatives of a sworn enemy of our country? Has any president in the past expressed such admiration for the leader of such a sworn enemy? Has any president in the past had so many meetings and phone calls with the same leader in the first year in office?

I believe Trump is guilty of collusion, and it is just a matter of time before the full scope and truth comes out.

Congressional Republicans do not want to lose Trump as one who will help them with their far-right agenda as long as they stroke his ego and shower him with compliments on what a great job he is doing. These supposed patriots are willing to sell out a key principle on which our country is founded: equality before the law.

True patriots believe that no one is above the law, including the president.

Those who died during the inception of America are rolling in their graves due to the blatant hypocrisy the congressional Republicans are spouting.

Gretta Van Bree

Lincoln Township