YMCA memberships spike in January, new classes offered

Published 8:47 am Thursday, January 12, 2017

As residents around the nation counted down the final seconds in 2016, and the sparkly ball in New York plummeted as the New Year began, many vowed that 2017 was the year they would get fit.
It is a resolution that causes a spike in YMCA memberships in Niles every January, said Alexa Tupper, marketing and fund development coordinator.
“Last year for the month of January, we had about 250 people sign up for a membership,” Tupper said. “We are on track to hit that number again this year.”
While part of this increase is due to a promotional rate, a $25 discount from the joiner fee, the spike is partly influenced by the New Year.
In February, membership numbers tend to see a bit of a decline.
Despite this, Tupper said it is heartening to see people make resolutions, even if they only can follow through for a few weeks at a time.
For Tupper, membership spikes indicate an interest in being healthy, and this she said is what they work to achieve.
“I would absolutely encourage people to make it a goal in 2017 to be healthy,” Tupper said. “A lot of people tell me that they do not bother with resolutions because they know they are going to break them, but there is something to be said for setting that goal in the first place and making strides to achieve it.”
With an array of promotional rates offered at a variety of facilities in the Niles-Buchanan area, residents have many options to help them follow through with this year’s resolutions.
In Niles, many businesses seek to make exercising regularly a fun experience. From Jazzercise to new and updated classes at SLR Pilates, residents can try many fitness options.
Instructors at the YMCA aim to help residents achieve their fitness goal by offering some new classes for the year ahead.
Among the classes are a Cheer Fitness program and a Tri-Master’s Swim Class, in which participants are given a series of exercises to complete in the pool that aim to build strength and prepare participants for further training. There is also a class that targets chronic pain with the use of foam rollers.
Youth also have the opportunity to get involved with youth basketball or by joining the Y Club.
“We engage our members and guests in many different avenues,” Tupper said. “Whether it is our energetic instructors getting people to fall in love with a class, or our personal trainers transforming lives, the people here are the bread and butter of what we do.”