Mini electronics a success

Published 12:38 pm Friday, September 2, 2016

Wednesday’s mini electronics collection was a success.

Thanks to volunteers Helga Richards, Johanna Timpson, board member Jeff Blyveis and assistance from two Sheriff’s department jail trustees.

“We collected approximately 2,000 pounds of material and are continuing to spread the information about this wonderful recycling opportunity from ATR (Advanced Technology Recycling),” Korie Blyveis, the Cass County Conservation District manager said. “If you missed our collection on Aug. 31, then you can still recycle since TVs and computer monitors can be dropped off at the Westside Landfill located at 14094 W. Michigan 60 in Three Rivers, for free through the month of September only.

Not only will this material be recycled, with some of it eventually being sent to a Chicago company who makes glass tiles, by keeping these items out of the waste stream we are protecting our water.”

Blyveis explained that is because all electronics contain lead, which could potentially leach into wastewater or groundwater if disposed improperly or if waste water from landfills is not getting filtered to remove this difficult heavy metal. Recycling these materials helps protect natural resources.

For more information about recycling or to volunteer for future Conservation District projects such as mapping invasive species or assisting with the tree sale call (269) 228-7076.

(Editor’s note: The story that appeared in Thursday’s Edwardsburg Argus incorrectly stated that the collect was Wednesday, Sept. 7. We regret the error and are happy to correct it.)