Taking a ‘Closer Look’ at issues that matter to southwest Michigan

Published 9:27 am Thursday, June 30, 2016

Theft. Broken families. Assault. Severe illness. House fires. Death. Homicide.

What do all of these things have in common?

They are all results of methamphetamine use right here in Cass County, as we recently found out.

For nearly two decades, the region has battled this powerful drug, and in the last five years, its effects have been brought to light as the Cass County Drug Enforcement Team has fought back.

Throughout the last year, it seems meth has found its way into a headline at least once a week. We were constantly hearing about arrests, busts, new labs and crimes relating to meth, so our team decided to find out if the drug has grown in popularity and if so, what is causing so many people to become addicted.

Through a lot of data analaysis and interviews with people dealing with the problem at all angles, we learned that the problem has not necessarily grown in the last few years, but the capture of criminals certainly has.

As you may have already read, we learned that meth is so addictive because it alters dopamine levels in ways that other drugs do not. We also learned that the accessibility of the drug increases the popularity, because unlike other drugs like heroin and cocaine that have to be trafficked in order to be distributed, meth users can make their own drugs using a formula of household items easily obtained at grocery and hardware stores.

Simply put, we learned that this drug is easy to get — and difficult to get rid of.

In the days following publication, former users, loved ones of addicts, politicians and interested citizens have shared their thoughts on the issue via social media and directly with our news team.

We knew meth had touched a lot of lives — that is why we chose the topic in the first place — but I personally had no idea the magnitude of the problem until we really dug in, and then heard from so many people whose lives have been impacted by the drug.

For many, drug use is a difficult topic to talk about. We’re taught starting in kindergarten to “just say no,” and for some, it really is that simple. Those who have never used drugs have a hard time understanding why anyone would choose to put the poison into their bodies.

The Cass County Drug Enforcement Team that cracks down on drug users and the crimes they commit is paid for in large part by the taxpayers in Cass County, so we felt the taxpayers had a right to know what they were paying for, but even more importantly, we felt that an issue impacting so many lives cannot stay hidden in the shadows.

As we continue our Closer Look series, we plan to investigate other issues that are relevant and important to readers in southwest Michigan. Of course not all topics will be as grave as drug abuse; some will simply shine a light on trends or topics of interest in Michiana.

These pieces are intended to be data-driven, investigative stories that expose the issues — good and bad — that affect you, our readers. We have a number of other projects in the works, but would love to hear your ideas.

What would you like us to investigate? Are there issues that you’ve pondered?

Send us a message, and we’ll consider adding them to our regular series. As your local news source, we are dedicated to finding answers to your questions and keeping you informed.


Ambrosia Neldon is the managing editor at Leader Publications. She can be reached by phone at (269) 687-7713. or by email at ambrosia.neldon@leaderpub.com.