America in desperate need of change

Published 9:50 am Thursday, October 23, 2014

America desperately needs to change its course.

Our national debt is now in the $17 trillion bracket. America cannot survive like that. Consequently, our children will inherit that debt. America needs smaller government and needs its constitutional rights protected.

The left has a dangerous agenda. People’s freedoms are fast being taken away. Abortions are out of control. Illegal immigrants are costing America money it cannot afford. Illegal immigrants are also taking over many jobs Americans need.

The future of our children is at stake. They are being taught in some schools things they should not be taught. Our military is being weakened and desperately needs help in more ways than one.

America needs a strong conservative in the U.S. Senate like Terri Lynn Land. She was elected as Michigan’s Secretary of State twice. She has integrity. She is someone we can trust and an excellent choice. She needs people’s vote Nov. 4.

Beverly Wilcox


This article originally ran in the Oct. 9 edition of the Niles Daily Star. It is being reprinted to correct a mistake.