MDOT: place political signs correctly

Published 8:40 pm Thursday, July 12, 2012

The Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) is again reminding political candidates and property owners that political signs must conform to state regulations for placement.
“We want to create an environment that’s as safe as possible for motorists and pedestrians,” State Transportation Director Kirk T. Steudle said. “Every year, some political signs are placed too close to the roadway and block the view of motorists.”
Steudle also said that specific sign materials will factor into placement and possible removal by an MDOT official.
“Signs with steel or wooden posts that do not meet MDOT safety standards are not allowed in the right of way,” Steudle said.
Signs must be placed more than 30 feet from the edge of the roadway, or from the white line along the edge on highways, without barrier-type curbs.
On highways that do have barrier curbs, the signs must be more than three feet from the back of the curb.
Signs are not allowed within clear vision areas at intersections or commercial driveways, or within limited access rights of way. Campaign signs that do not meet these criteria will be removed by MDOT.
MDOT also explained that candidates are responsible for obtaining approval from adjacent property owners before placing signs. Signs must be removed within 10 days after the election.
For more information on campaign sign placement standards, visit MDOT at