Commissioners critical of Lansing
Published 9:35 pm Wednesday, April 11, 2012
Cass County commissioners lashed out at their lawmakers after attending the Michigan Association of Counties (MAC) conference.
“We do not have a lot of friends in Lansing,” Commissioner Dale Lowe, R-Howard Township, said April 5. “Legislators have their minds made up. Talking to our senator, you might as well talk to that post,” Lowe said for the benefit of the Sen. John Proos staffer in the audience. “He listens, but has no sympathy for the county. Our Rep. Matt Lori listens, but doesn’t want to comment on or commit to anything. Our lieutenant governor (Brian Calley) says, ‘We’re not going to take all of your personal property tax, just some of it. Down the road we’re going to give some of it back.’ In 2016! That’s two elections down the road.”
Lowe felt more friendship from the Senate minority leader when she remarked money should not be taken away without a constitutional guarantee.
Lowe said, “We need to convince legislators we need help. We need to be beating on these people.”
Commissioner Robert Wagel, R-Wayne Township, agreed.
“Every commissioner should be concerned,” he said. “We made a deal with the state Legislature a few years ago to tax the citizens of this county until we came back into formula.”
“I’ll have to echo Commissioners Lowe and Wagel,” said Gordon Bickel, R-Porter Township. “These legislators say, ‘We weren’t in office, so we didn’t make that promise.’ They won’t be there in two more elections, either. They’re polite, but don’t say anything.”