Everything looks easy from life’s sidelines

Published 8:57 am Thursday, October 2, 2014

The formal job description would probably look something like this: Qualified taster needed. Experienced taste buds required. Must be willing to put mysterious substances in your mouth, cleansing the pallet as often as necessary. The ability to articulate the flavors and differentiate one culinary masterpiece from another is recommended. Pay negotiable, as long as it is between the ranges of zip and nada.

Does this job sound enticing? Think it would be easy and want to know where to sign up? As I found out last week, judging pastries at the Apple Fest is a lot more difficult than any job description could explain.

It is also a lot more fun … and eye opening in unexpected ways.

This annual event is put on by the festival organizers and sponsored by Leader Publications. Although we had to determine first-, second- and third-place winners, as far as I’m concerned, there were no losers. Each and every one of the 12 or so delicacies I sampled was unique and delicious in its own way. I know the other judges felt the same.

Everyone who participated deserves a prize.

This experience also helped remind me that everything appears easier from the outside looking in and that we shouldn’t ever take for granted how well someone does his or her job.

Although it may not be that big a deal when it comes to apple tasting it certainly is vital when considering many professions or individuals who are active in the community. It is easy for us to stand on the sidelines and say that volunteers should do things differently, that the police department or city officials should take a different approach, that elected officials made poor decisions or that, if we were in someone else’s shoes, we would be able to do so much better.

It is easy to play armchair quarterback, but it is much harder when you are in the midst of the fray. This experience helped remind me of that lesson. I’m going to try to make sure that I don’t take anyone anyone’s job for granted or assume it is easy simply because an individual makes it look that way.

If only all of life’s lessons were as fun as chomping down tasty apple baked goods.


Michael Caldwell is the publisher of Leader Publications LLC. He can be reached at (269) 687-7700 or by email at mike.caldwell@leaderpub.com.