Berry pairings

Published 9:21 am Thursday, June 5, 2014

Now that it’s warming up outside, we’re all craving cool drinks and icy sweet treats. Some of the best summer desserts are simple seasonal berries paired with whipped topping or ice cream. While it’s not quite berry season yet, the warmer weather can’t help but get us thinking about the juicy summer bounty ahead.

I know I’m not alone in this, because I got an email from a customer of mine from when I used to sell my vegan foods at the farmers markets around Michiana. She wanted to know if I would be willing to share my Coconut Cacao Whipped Cream.

This is a recipe I came up with a few summers ago when I had a craving for something chocolatey, but I didn’t have any avocados around to make an avocado mousse. I can’t take total credit for the recipe, the coconut whipped cream recipe it’s based off of, was sent to me by a college friend who responded to a post I made as fairly new vegan looking for a natural substitute for whipped cream.

Both of these recipes are incredibly good, palate pleasing to health foodies and junk food junkies alike, and are whipped up in literally minutes. The only limitation would be if your guests aren’t huge fans of coconut. The plain whip particularly has a distinct coconut flavor, but I truly feel it tastes like a natural cool whip.

These don’t hold up well in heat, so be sure to keep them cool until ready to serve. They go great on fresh fruit or as a topper for strawberry shortcake.


Elle’s Coconut Whipped Cream:

1 can Thai coconut milk

2 tablespoons agave nectar or maple syrup

½ teaspoon vanilla extract

¼ teaspoon sea salt

1. Refrigerate coconut milk overnight or until it becomes solid. Stick a thin rubber spatula in the open can, between the solid coconut cream and the metal of the can. Gently pour out all of the liquid.

2. Place all ingredients in a stand mixer fitted with the whip attachment. Whip until combined and gentle peaks form. Store in refrigerator until ready to serve.


Coconut Cacao Whipped Cream:

1 can Thai coconut milk

2 ½ tablespoons agave nectar

2 tablespoons pure cacao powder

1 ½ teaspoons pure vanilla extract

½ teaspoon sea salt

Follow the same instructions as above.

Kat Barry, a St. Joseph, Michigan native, is owner of Kat’s Hot Cakes vegan catering, and co author of “The New Chicago Diner Cookbook: Meat Free Recipes from America’s Veggie Diner.” She also develops recipes for, where you can find over 30 of her vegan instructional cooking videos. She is also a certified yoga instructor. Kat currently resides in Chicago, and in her free time she enjoys practicing yoga, sampling local spirits, listening to live music, and getting outdoors. Follow @katshotcakes on twitter. Kat can be reached via email at: