Post office pilot test ends early

Published 12:30 pm Friday, July 13, 2012

Niles post office customers can expect delivery times and routes to return to the way they were prior to the post office’s participation in what was supposed to be a six-month pilot test that began in early March.

Fred Bergman, Niles postmaster, said he received word from headquarters the pilot test would end effective Saturday.

The test was supposed to run until early September. Bergman isn’t certain why headquarters decided to end the test approximately six weeks early.

“We weren’t given any reason for the early termination, so it was a bit of a surprise, but we just do the best we can, adapt and move forward,” Bergman said.

Bergman said there should be minimal impact on customers as the office makes the switch back to the old delivery configuration.

“Everything should go back to business as usual,” he said. “If they were getting 10 o clock delivery prior to the implementation of the test, it should be pretty much static prior to that.”

Bergman said the test was fairly successful, although he hasn’t gotten any feedback from headquarters on their analysis of the test.

“Due to the circumstances and the confines we were working within I thought we did fairly successful job of maintaining our service standards and increasing efficiencies,” he said.