6-year-old plays Santa to sick children

Published 10:41 am Thursday, December 24, 2009

Shane Davis, a 6-year-old from Niles, delivers gifts and cards for children in Memorial Hospital in South Bend. Becky Emmert, a Child Life Specialist at the hospital, welcomes him. Shane, who is a proud Boy Scout, made sure to go in full uniform.

Shane Davis, a 6-year-old from Niles, delivers gifts and cards for children in Memorial Hospital in South Bend. Becky Emmert, a Child Life Specialist at the hospital, welcomes him. Shane, who is a proud Boy Scout, made sure to go in full uniform.

Niles Daily Star

While most children his age this time of year are dreaming about running downstairs on Christmas morning to open that new Xbox or toy truck, Shane Davis has bigger things on his mind.

Concerned about sick children in the hospital who cannot go home for Christmas, Shane, 6, decided he wanted to do something.

Jill Davis, Shane’s mother, said it all started with a conversation.

“We were driving down the road one day and he started asking questions about poor people. The conversation evolved into talking about sick people who could not come home for Christmas,” she said. “‘I bet they’re scared,’ he said. ‘I bet they’re sad they can’t come home for Christmas.'”

So Shane decided the children in Memorial Hospital in South Bend needed “some friends.”
“Shane calls his stuffed animals friends,” Jill said.

So the Davises went out and bought two stuffed animals, one for a boy and one for a girl at Memorial Hospital. Shane included two hand-made cards with notes inside as well.

“We thought that would be really nice,” said Shane, a first-grader at Edwardsburg Primary School. “They wanted a friend to have and be brave at night. I got a horsey for a girl and a bear for a boy.”

Shane, dressed in his full Boy Scouts uniform, and his mother delivered the gifts and cards Wednesday to Memorial Hospital.

“He wanted to deliver them in official capacity,” Jill said of the Boy Scouts uniform.