William Crandell: Why I’m running for 78th State District Rep.

By William Crandell

For the past three years, I have watched as special interests groups like ALEC, the Mackinac Center and the Tea Party tear this country apart with an ugly social agenda that cares nothing for the future of this country and allows for a privileged few to become wealthier while destroying unions, the middle class and use racial stereotypes to pass biased legislation attacking minorities. Their strategy seems to be based off some sort of ghastly social Darwinist ethic that will keep the strongest at the top and the impoverished at the bottom with no safety net and limited opportunities. I don’t feel that our country will survive as long we remain a polarized nation without the ability to compromise. As it states in the Constitution of the State of Michigan “All political power is inherent in the people. Government is instituted for their equal benefit, security and protection.”
I believe that our politicians are servants of the people and that is why I’ve decided for 78th State District Representative.
Our current state politicians no longer care or have forgotten what it means to serve the people and the debacle over Medicaid expansion here in Michigan is an excellent example. State politicians should be concerning themselves with the thousands of people in their districts that will be granted access to healthcare and will no longer have to use emergency rooms as their primary care physicians, which will save all of us money on our premiums. Instead they concern themselves with the 100 phone calls that they’ve received from the same 25 tea party members threatening their chances of re-election if they don’t stand up to Obamacare. People need healthcare and to deny them access is irresponsible government and amoral. You cannot govern effectively if you are afraid of a small group of people.
On the federal level, there have been 40 House votes by Republicans to repeal Obamacare and no effort to pass a jobs bill. No efforts to put people to work, no investment in this country to fix the economy and our failing infrastructure. Nothing but rhetoric and attacks on social programs, attacks that will increase taxes on the middle class and attacks against the most vulnerable in our society like the elderly and the poor.
I’m running because it’s time rational people take back control of this country. It’s time that those that have not been filled with anger from the likes of Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity and Fox News — all of whom have made millions by playing upon the fears of good citizens and promoting hate speech. It’s time that we take back this country and get on with solving the real problems that plague us. America is the greatest nation this planet has ever known and its greatness lies in its compassion, its equality and its ability to work together for the benefit of all.
Lately we’ve become a nation of hatred.
I won’t stand for it and neither should you.

William Crandell is a community activist and active member of the Michigan Education Association and the Michigan Democratic Party. He is also a member of the South County Democratic Club where he has served as their communications director and as the chairperson of the SCDC Blue Tiger Community Action Committee.

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