
Museum director shares favorite photographs

Photographs help document our lives, and technology has made it easier for us to take photographs today than ...


Time to stop the bleeding

As the days tick down until President-elect Donald Trump’s inauguration on Jan. 20, the social fabric holding our ...


Reflecting upon the successes of 2016

The achievements we made in 2016 will continue moving Michigan forward on the road to recovery. We continued ...

Leader Columnists

Our New Year’s resolution

As most of the population heads back to the gym, starts drinking more water or commits to preparing ...

Letters to the Editor

Trump’s appointees want to dismantle Medicare and social security

As many Americans are, I am deeply concerned about the direction of our country. One looming concern I ...


The truth about New Year’s resolutions

The food line at the Saint Mia Farrow Shelter for Starving Artists and Underpaid Academics is staffed by ...


2016 was a busy time at Edwardsburg Museum

Well, I am sure glad that 2016 is over and that 2017 will not be a history making ...

Letters to the Editor

Are you watching the proposed health care changes?

Do you value your health? Of course you do. So how do you pay for your health care? ...

Leader Columnists

2017 offers another chance to get it right

America has suffered a great deal this year. Tragedy became so commonplace that, at some point, many of ...


Memory lane 2016

For the past few years, my monthly column for December included reflections on the columns I submitted to ...


Landmark policy puts Michigan consumers first

Gov. Rick Snyder last week signed the Michigan Comprehensive Energy Plan legislation into law. The landmark reforms are ...

Letters to the Editor

Letters to the editor, Dec. 22

Fair board playing Scrooge instead Santa this Christmas For several years, the local Toys 4 Tots organization has used ...


Christmas is all about hope

The Christmas season above all others brings about a general euphoria that causes us to be lifted above ...


Christmas with the club

Sarah’s Diner is much like a plethora of other diners spread across this great land of ours — ...


Yes, Virginia, there is a Santa Claus

On Sept. 21, 1897, The New York Sun published what was to become the most widely read letter ...

Letters to the Editor

Tax cuts for the rich will hurt middle and low-income families

Donald Trump’s tax proposal, like that of congressional Republicans, is based on the thoroughly debunked theory of “trickle-down ...

Letters to the Editor

Trump nominees reflect his anti-populist biases

Donald Trump is showing a penchant for selecting billionaires such as himself to run his administration. This fits ...


A merry little Christmas to all southwest Michigan families

“Sleigh bells ring, are you listening? In the lane, snow is glistening. A beautiful sight; we are happy ...


Remembering John Glenn (1921-2016)

On Dec. 8, as I sat in front of my computer drinking coffee and trying not to think ...


Taking a look at the Christmas stamp tradition

By now you know that I love traditions.

Letters to the Editor

Job growth is much higher when a Democrat is in the White House

In November, the U.S. economy added 178,000 private sector jobs, the 74th consecutive month of private sector job ...


Make winter a slam dunk

A couple of weeks into the winter sports season, local athletes are starting to hit their groove. The whistles ...


Recount exposed flaws in election procedure

With the nation’s collective attention now turned to claims that Russian provocateurs played a hand in influencing the ...


Legislation further promotes hunting safety

Our rich hunting heritage plays a vital role in Michigan’s economy and way of life — with Michigan ...


The first snowfall

As I write this, I have just completed the ceremonial task of expelling the first major accumulation of ...

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