
WILSON: When spies retire – Part #3

What happened thus far: Abner and Melvin seemed to be two retired Florida Snowbirds that met every Thursday ...


PROOS: Congratulations to 2018 spirit tournament champions!

School spirit encompasses a wide range of school activities, such as band, drama, robotics, athletics and art, and ...


KAUFMANN: Reversing summer brain drain

Many students fall behind in their reading and math skills over summer break. These losses can add up ...


WILSON: When spies retire – Part #2

What has happened thus far: Abner and Melvin seem to be two retired Florida Snowbirds that meet every ...


TYREE: Are tour old photos a ticking time bomb?

For most of my adult life, I kicked myself because I had carried a one-of-a-kind childhood photo (featuring ...


PROOS: Protecting our children from sexual assault

April is Sexual Assault Awareness Month. It is a time to bring awareness to the problem of sexual ...


PURCELL: Nuclear fusion is federal bloat’s silver lining

“The lousy Republicans are supposed to decrease federal spending and get our deficit under control, not blow the ...


WILSON: When spies retire — Part 1

Abner dabbed at the stain with a wet napkin. A leaking Rueben sandwich had deposited Thousand Island dressing ...


TYREE: MLK’s legacy: The next 50 years

Decades ago, when I worked in a grocery store, I would frequently have to phone my boss and ...


PROOS: Getting healthy this spring

Spring and Easter are times of physical and spiritual rebirth and renewal. I encourage all of us to ...


TYREE: Your Easter assignment: Study to show thyself approved

In the nearly 43 years since my baptism, I have never really experienced a crisis of faith. But ...


STRAYER: Optimism prevails in downtown Niles

Much was lost when the Great Flood of 2018 hit downtown Niles. While the losses will be ...


APPLEGATE: Partners in safety: A community townhall

As crises continue to play out in cities across the country, safety is a primary concern for us ...


WILSON: Malcolm and the OPIA

Malcolm James Thornwhistle (of the Downhampton Thornwhistles) was an intrepid world traveler, known for his early explorations of ...


PROOS: Training prisoners for today’s employer needs

I have put together a Senate workgroup to explore training nonviolent prisoners to prepare and serve meals at ...


KAUFMANN: March madness meets healthy living

Selection Sunday has passed, the first round bracket has been revealed, and the games have begun. Welcome to ...


PROOS: The 2018 #SWMISpirit tournament is underway

I am proud to once again sponsor the Southwest Michigan Spirit Tournament to foster creativity and give students ...


SEPIC: Berrien County prosecutor discusses school threat investigations

In recent weeks, there have been several statements by students in some of our local schools amounting to ...


PROOS: Boosting road funding this year by $175 million

Southwest Michigan residents are keenly aware of the difference between the condition of our roads and those of ...


HARTSIG: Renovations are keeping students safer

With the recent senseless tragedy in Florida and those that have come before it, I wanted to take ...


APPLEGATE: Crisis response key to nurturing school community

As recent tragic events have demonstrated, you can never be too prepared for a crisis situation. At Niles ...


WILSON: Harry’s retirement job

“I found Harry the perfect retirement job.” Jimmy had finished his lactose friendly omelet (scrambled eggs) and virgin ...


MIDDLETON: Congress fixes the health center funding cliff

On behalf of Cassopolis Family Clinic Network, and the nation’s nearly 1,400 health centers and the 27 million ...


PROOS: Celebrating reading month throughout March

Reading is vital to a successful education and lays the foundation to a rewarding future. Learning to read ...


STRAYER: Coming soon to your front door: Political candidates!

The next 10 months are going to give political junkies, campaign veterans, disgruntled Republicans, angry Democrats and the ...

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