
Supt. John Jarpe: Fifty years of Bobcat grads

The first senior class to graduate from Brandywine Senior High School was the Class of 1963.


American Heritage: Marching orders ignite flame of war

On April 18, 1775, Gen. Thomas Gage wrote orders for Lt. Col. Smith. In the letter General Gage ...


William Crandell: As great as we say we are

For too long, this country has been held hostage by the insurance industry.


Editorial: What’s going on, YMCA?

Something stinks at the Niles-Buchanan YMCA, and it’s not the gym socks.


Staying home with dignity

Just a few generations ago, older adults rarely lived far from other family members, and their adult children ...


Synthetic drugs banned

Synthetic marijuana products are sold as harmless bath salts or incense, but are actually dangerous drugs that are ...


Community crown jewel flawed

The Niles-Buchanan YMCA was touted as one of the jewels of the area when I first looked at ...


Three strikes and you’re out

Three times and you’re out! That’s what this week is, the third time to get the Bacon family ...


Staying home with dignity

Just a few generations ago, older adults rarely lived far from other family members, and their adult children ...


Synthetic drugs banned

Synthetic marijuana products are sold as harmless bath salts or incense, but are actually dangerous drugs that are ...


Community crown jewel flawed

The Niles-Buchanan YMCA was touted as one of the jewels of the area when I first looked at ...


Three strikes and you’re out

Three times and you’re out! That’s what this week is, the third time to get the Bacon family ...


Sen. John Proos: Crackdown on synthetic drugs keeping children safe

Synthetic marijuana products are sold as harmless bath salts or incense, but are actually dangerous drugs that are ...


Cardinal Charlie: Memories of educator John Ames

When I read in the paper of John Ames’ death, it brought back my memory of how I ...


Editorial: Safety first for holiday

It isn’t a secret that what southwest Michigan is lacking in rain, it is making up for with ...


Michael Bennett: Crown jewel tarnished without transparency

The Niles-Buchanan YMCA was touted as one of the jewels of the area when I first looked at ...


Sen. John Proos: Keeping our children safe by cracking down on deadly synthetic drugs

Synthetic marijuana products are sold as harmless bath salts or incense, but are actually dangerous drugs that are ...


Jack Strayer: How a teacher changed history for a grateful student

Ever since William Mitchell wrote about “My Hometown” on the op-ed page of the Niles Daily Star two ...


American Heritage: War on the horizon

“If we wish to be free ... we must fight! I repeat it, sir; we must fight! An ...


William Crandell: If I can’t have it, neither can you

Recently, I have witnessed a demonizing of unions in America and I am usually confronted with the same ...


Editorial: Safety should be first on holiday weekend

It isn’t a secret that what southwest Michigan is lacking in rain, it is making up for with ...


Michael Bennett: Community crown jewel has flaws

The Niles-Buchanan YMCA was touted as one of the jewels of the area when I first looked at ...


Cardinal Charlie: Sprinkling wagon settled dusty streets

Some years ago I corresponded with Floyd Gifford, an old man down in Florida who was born in ...


Michael Bennett: Many changes mean additional local news

The number of changes we have put our readers through at the Daily News in recent months have ...


Editorial: Think before you post

Facebook has grown from an online amusement to a necessity of life for many people since it was ...

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