Letters to the Editor

‘We got ours!’

Hurrah for Lin Pollard (Feb. 20 letter to the editor) when she refers to the money received by ...

Letters to the Editor

Reader not happy with MDOT response

This past summer, I was informed by a neighbor that his family was shopping in Three Rivers to ...


Years go by faster and faster

As you get older time seems to go faster.


Snickers is the No. 1 selling candy bar in U.S.

Bruno Mars is not a candy bar, but there are over 40,000 different candy bar varieties in the ...


Krauthammer an example for all voters

I enjoy reading Charles Krauthammer’s opinions on the Internet, usually in the Washington Post.


William Crandell: Keep Super PACs out of Michigan

Many Democrats are saddened by the fact that U.S. Sen. Carl Levin will be retiring after the completion ...


Trooper Rob: Prescription drug abuse becoming an epidemic

I was invited to participate in an all-day seminar at Brandywine High School on prescription drug use and ...

Letters to the Editor

Letter to the editor: Obamacare has done good in the community

I was in the group that gathered to thank Sen. Carl Levin when he visited Cassopolis recently and ...


Editorial: Commissioners should vote to preserve courthouse

A single building on the corner of Broadway and State sits at the eye of a storm that ...


Niles man inspires legislation to help increase organ donations in Michigan

More than 120,000 men, women and children currently need life-saving organ transplants, and 18 people die each day ...


More childhood memories in Dowagiac

Another thing, back in the 1930s, we also had a window card for putting in the window to ...

Leader Columnists

Horizons edition always a ‘labor’ of love

Creating a massive newspaper section like our upcoming Horizons edition is a little like a slightly less messy ...


The “butterfly effect”

Life should be lived without complaints, at least not daily mantras of never ending diatribes of what isn’t ...

Letters to the Editor

Eagle Lake is “not” private

At first I read the article “DNR Meeting Rekindles Emotions” in the Jan. 30 issue of the Argus ...

Letters to the Editor

Reader in favor of DNR proposal

I was very excited to learn of the public park proposed for Eagle Lake. I grew up in ...


Bruno Mars is not a candy bar

Bruno Mars is not a candy bar! I found that out by watching the Super Bowl. Yes, I ...


Remembering my childhood

Here are some memories of old Cardinal Charlie’s young years. Those old Burma Shave in the farmers’ fields ...


Road crews will face a challenge in spring

Recently while driving along US 31 between Berrien Springs and Niles it felt as if my car was ...


Pastor Jeff Whittaker: A rose by any other name

“A rose by any other name would smell as sweet…” I believe that is the way William Shakespeare ...


Proos/Booher: Transparency needed on state’s $62 billion unfunded liability

Michigan is facing a looming problem that is already affecting our schools and all levels of state government. ...


The winter that wouldn’t end

Great-grandfather, known to all the aunts, uncles, cousins and siblings as “Poppa,” was prone to telling tales as ...


‘Good enough’ doesn’t work for communication

A long time ago I was given the great advice that communication is a key determinate of success ...


Editorial: Rewarding kids does good

One of the basic teachings of behavioral science is that of positive reinforcement, that by rewarding good deeds, ...


‘Uncle Al’ practiced the art of swearing

Most families have a special “aunt,” “uncle” or equally honored relative, someone who has come into the family ...


William Crandell: ‘No Fault’ auto reform will leave many with nowhere to turn

One of the hot topics in Lansing right now is implementing reforms to the Michigan ‘No Fault’ auto ...

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