
Shopping safety tips offered

Now with the Christmas season and shopping staring us in the face, we cannot forget to stay safe ...


Help may be available for families struggling with paying heating bills

Michigan winters can be harsh and even deadly.

Leader Columnists

Social media has its role, but please tread carefully

Let me go ahead and offer up what is probably the understatement of a lifetime: Social media has ...

Leader Columnists

Ready for the tipoff

For the next few months, Friday nights (and several others) across southwest Michigan will be filled with sounds ...


What standardized testing limitations means for our students

Several weeks ago, the Obama administration released new guidelines recommending that students spend no more than 2 percent ...


How to define stupid

The Circular Congregation Breakfast Club is a loose amalgamation of breakfast enthusiasts who gather most mornings around a ...


Railroad improvements welcomed

Last year, more than half a million people took the Amtrak train that travels from Chicago to Detroit, ...


Join the #GivingTuesday movement

Get ready to add another name to the ever-growing list of post Thanksgiving holiday shopping season days — ...


Adoption Day highlights need for foster families

The usual somber atmosphere contained with the Cass County Circuit Courtroom in Cassopolis was absent last week Tuesday ...

Leader Columnists

Thanksgiving kicks off the season of giving

I think my favorite part of Thanksgiving is that it kicks off the season of giving.

Leader Columnists

Reasons to be thankful haven’t changed

Do you want to force yourself to think about something? I mean cause yourself to really put some ...


Food for thought during the holidays

You don’t have to give up on your health for the holidays.


Tips for avoiding holiday scams

Despite all the information available about scams and how to avoid them, a recent survey found most Michigan ...


Thanksgiving still rooted in the blessings of friends, family, freedom and liberty

Thanksgiving is a time to gather together with family and friends and give thanks for our many blessings.


We need more readers

The State of Michigan continues on a path to adopt a reading proficiency standard (HB 4822) after the ...


Thanksgiving trivia — did you know?

Thursday, the majority of us will fill our bellies with turkey, dressing, mashed potatoes, pumpkin pie and all ...


The importance of community connections

With the holidays approaching, now is a great time to share how thankful we are as a school ...


Cass County is fortunate to have leader like Judge Dobrich

In many cases, judges are not often very popular among the masses. Forced to make difficult decisions on ...


Timely tips for cooking turkey

This Thursday, millions of Americans gather with loved ones to celebrate our national day of thanks, giving and, ...


Workshop a valuable tool for small local businesses

Owning a small business can be both rewarding and difficult, especially in times when you need to come ...


Does anyone still use safety pins?

This week I am going to keep you on pins and needles.


November Starfish Story: A true ‘HERO’

At Dowagiac Middle School we speak often with our students about being Chieftain HEROes. HERO is an acronym ...

Letters to the Editor

Come see the show

If you like to laugh, don’t miss the last play of the season at the Beckwith Theatre, “Miracle ...


Holiday season starting to kick into high gear

Thanksgiving is just under a week away and plans for Christmas celebrations are looming.


Freshman class’s success is another barometer for district’s momentum

Dowagiac Union High School’s Youth Experiencing Success (YES) program “experienced” another milestone Tuesday morning. The academic achievement program ...

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