Letters to the Editor

Supt. Daniel: Vote ‘yes’ for bond

As superintendent of Dowagiac Union Schools, I proudly praise the recent academic achievements of our schools:

Letters to the Editor

Some Niles Twp. accusations inaccurate

Over the past few months, here have been many statements made about Jim's candidacy for the Niles Township ...


More farmers in MAEAP

Only 16 months ago, the governor signed the Michigan Agricultural Environmental Assurance Program (MAEAP) legislation that provides new ...


What makes this publisher tick

Sixty is just a number. It will also be my age in September and a milestone that has ...


Take a stroll back in time

In honor of the 100th birthday celebration of Edwardsburg, let’s explore the years before Edwardsburg became an official ...

Letters to the Editor

Remember the Keeler recall

To the editor:   Serving one’s country and community to keep it safe and make it a better ...

Letters to the Editor

Keeler Twp. voters have a choice for change

I would like to urge all Keeler Township voters to vote Aug. 7. We actually, for a change, ...

Letters to the Editor

Appalled at unions’ endorsement

As a retired union member I find it appalling that two of our area’s most respected unions the ...

Letters to the Editor

Vote Quattrin for drain commissioner

It's time for change in the Berrien County Drain Commission office.

Letters to the Editor

Saunders, Kays pose threat to Sister Lakes services

It was very encouraging to read Ms. Rowe’s comments supporting Commissioner Ed Goodman, elaborating on the good work ...

Letters to the Editor

Kays offers his experience

I am running for Keeler Township Supervisor to maintain the programs I helped initiate and implement and ...


Cardinal Charlie: Mush or mashed potatoes a treat with syrup

You know I sometimes wonder how did people manage to get along without autos, trucks, radios, TV and ...

Letters to the Editor

Lehmann comfortable turning post over to Runyon

As I am retiring from my position of clerk of Silver Creek Township, I wish to express ...


Summer in the City in need of makeover

Days or Summer in the City, after 27 years the Grand Old City’s three-day anchor festival seems tired ...

Letters to the Editor

Upton takes cancer bill to heart

Did you know that there is currently only one major cancer that has a 6 percent, five-year survival ...

Letters to the Editor

Donations appreciated

Thank you, thank you, thank you to all of you who helped us at our annual golf outing ...

Letters to the Editor

Vote Wagel for Cass County commissioner

As a Berrien County commissioner, I have worked with Bob Wagel for several years on the Michigan ...

Letters to the Editor

Extend tax break for middle class

Last week, the Senate voted to keep tax cuts for those making under $250,000 a year. Now, the ...

Letters to the Editor

Your vote counts Tuesday

“Decisions are made by those who show up,” said the fictional President Josiah Bartlet on the TV show ...


William Crandell: Raise your voice

On Aug. 7, Michigan will be holding its primary elections, and in my opinion, it is the true ...

Letters to the Editor

Replace obstructionists in Niles Township government

A local newspaper article headline reads, “New leadership coming to Niles Township,” relative to our coming election.

Letters to the Editor

Niles Township should keep sheriff’s department coverage

A vote for Jim Kidwell is a vote to end our outstanding police protection provided by the Berrien ...


Michael Bennett: What makes this publisher tick

Sixty is just a number. It will also be my age in September and a milestone that has ...


Editorial: Riverfest needs gut check

Niles Riverfest has established a good foundation after 20 years in existence — name recognition in the community, ...

Cass County

Memory loss stressful

Studies show that adults with early signs of dementia can slow the progression of memory loss by maintaining ...

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