LETTER: President Trump equals Hitler, Putin, (fill-in favorite villain)

Published 8:19 am Monday, February 12, 2018

The title notwithstanding, this is not a defense of Donald Trump.  I like what has happened to our economy and to our foreign policy since his inauguration, but I cannot claim Trump’s promises convinced me to vote for him.

What really persuaded me was the prospect of Hillary Rodham Clinton, 45th President of the United States.  Lest we forget, she used an unsecured, personal email server to process all of her official correspondence while she was Secretary of State.  For me, that was enough to compel me to vote for her opponent. 

But there was more. 

She supported the Iran nuclear deal, surely the worst diplomatic agreement the United States has ever signed.  It was so bad that Obama never submitted it for a Senate vote.  Before that, Four Americans died in Benghazi because she refused more security for the American presence in Benghazi and didn’t act after the attack began. 

Then she purposely muddied everything with false information about the attack.  Finally, she testified before Congress and answered calls for what actually happened with her famous quote, “What difference, at this point, does it make?” 

Well, four Americans died.  She supported the deal with Russia that transferred to Russia 20 percent of American uranium.  Coincidentally, Bill Clinton was paid $500,000 for a speech and the Clinton Foundation received a gift of $150 million, all from former Soviet sources.  There is much more, but letters to the editor must be short.

There is little assurance that we wouldn’t wade through additional scandals like the Democrat-funded “Trump Dossier” if Clinton had won.  By the way, ask any Bernie Sanders supporter what he or she thinks about Clinton’s ethics.  If you think relations Democrats have with Trump are bad, I would wager that a new President Clinton would have been impeached by now.  Yes, some Democrats have introduced impeachment bills against Trump, but there is no evidence of impeachable offences by him. 

Given Clinton’s track record, I am sure that we would not escape another Clinton impeachment.

Michael Waldron
