PHOTO STORY: Buchanan High School graduates Class of 2024

Published 12:44 pm Friday, May 24, 2024

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BUCHANAN — Under the setting sun, the Buchanan community packed Memorial Field stands Thursday evening to see the Class of 2024 together for one last time.

Decked out in their caps, gowns, stoles, sashes and stylish cap art, 92 graduating seniors marched onto the track to the tune of “Pomp and Circumstance” before listening to statements from Superintendent Patricia Robinson and Principal Brian Pruett.

From there, Buchanan’s three senior speakers — Lucy Thomas, Hannah Herman and Riley Capron — delivered on what were their final assignments as high school students and looked back on their time as Bucks.

Thomas was the first to speak.

“Ever since I was a little girl, it has always been my dream to be up on this podium, because it represents a great accomplishment, one that took 18 years of learning life to achieve. Now that I’m here, I can finally say that I have made it, we all have.”

Herman was next, congratulating her classmates on a job well done.

“‘Hate’ has four letters but so does ‘love’. ‘Enemies’ has seven but so does ‘friends’. ‘Lying’ has five letters but so does ‘truth;’ ‘cry’ has three letters but so does ‘joy,’ ‘negativity’ has ten letters, but so does ‘positivity.’ ‘Failure’ has seven letters but so does ‘success.’ And as of today, we are successful individuals receiving our diplomas.”

Capron closed the speeches by wishing her classmates luck with their future plans.

“I would like to thank my classmates who made high school so much fun and an experience I will never forget… As we step into this next chapter of our lives, hold onto the memories you made from high school, remember the people who were there for you and never let your hustle get in the way of what truly matters. From singing the Golden Rule at our kindergarten graduation to now, graduating seniors, we did it and we are the class of 2024. Thank you.”