Local organizations team up to host turkey giveaway

Published 2:30 pm Wednesday, December 20, 2023

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NILES — A group of local organizations teamed up Friday to provide families with meals for the holiday.

Helping Our People Evolve, and Primitiv Givs gifted almost 200 families with turkeys at Franklin AME Church in time for Christmas. In addition, HOPE and Primitiv Givs provided Mt. Olive Church with 25 turkey vouchers for the holiday.

H.O.P.E. was formed in 2018  by Beverly Woodson, Douglas Freeman and Yvette Greene to positively affect people individually through advancements in education, spirituality and civic affairs. It has hosted a variety of events since, including financial literacy workshops, back-to-school giveaways, food pantry donations and more.

Primitiv Givs, a nonprofit founded by Primitiv owners Rob Sims and Calvin Johnson, aims to be an active member of the communities it serves serve in the greater Niles area and looks for collaborative opportunities with organizations such as HOPE. Primitiv Givs donated the turkeys for the giveaway.