Dowagiac Union Schools kickoffs be nice. program

Published 8:49 am Friday, September 20, 2019

DOWAGIAC — A new school program called, “be nice.” is sweeping its way through southwest Michigan and into the buildings of Dowagiac Union Schools.

The be nice. program, created by the Mental Health Foundation of West Michigan, is in place at every school in the district. Teachers and administration, who are a part of the be nice. team, received training on the program from MHF staff last spring and are embracing the program this school year.

“The be nice. program at its core is a mental health program,” said counselor Mark Howkins. “It’s also a suicide prevention and anti-bullying initiative.”

To kick-off the initiative, Howkins said the school has handed out rubber bracelets with the be nice. logo and also has a banner in the lunchroom encouraging students to take the be nice. pledge and sign their names.

“Our goal is to get the entire school to sign the banner, which will eventually hang in the lunchroom,” Howkins said.

Currently, the high school’s daily announcements are administered through English teacher Dustin Cornelius’s classroom. To raise student awareness of the be nice. program, Howkins said he is working to insert a be nice. message on a weekly basis. The goal is to do a public service announcement on mental health.

“It could be on the symptoms of anxiety or the symptoms of depression,” Howkins said. “We also want to offer advice to students who may know someone who suffers from mental health issues and what they can do to help.”

Howkins said the be nice. program is not just about being nice, although that is part of it. Each letter in the word, “nice,” represents a different step in an action plan.

The “N” represents notice, as in notice your friends or classmates, who might be suffering from mental health issues.

The “I” stands for invite. Students are encouraged to invite their classmates to enter into conversations about mental health related issues they may be suffering from.

The “C” stands for challenge. Students should challenge their peers to seek help and ask themselves questions.

The “E” stands for empower. Students are called to empower their knowledge around mental health and how it effects themselves and others. They are also empowered to make a change and offer support, Howkins said.

Students at the high school have always had access to a student guidance department, headed by Randy Luthringer, who is the senior guidance counselor. This year, with the addition of the be nice. initiative, students will have even more mental health resources and mentors through the be nice. program, Howkins said.

At a Dowagiac Union Schools Board of Education meeting, Superintendent Jonathan Whan said the campaign has been building on the idea of bringing stability back into society.

A kick-off for the program will be hosted on Oct. 3 and 4 for all Dowagiac Union Schools students. Marc Mero, a former professional wrestler turned motivational speaker, will be speaking to students. Elementary students will hear from a Michigan School Assembly Shows speaker, who will discuss character building.