LASATA: Labor Day reminder: Drive sober or get pulled over

Published 8:50 am Wednesday, August 21, 2019

It is hard to believe we are just days away from the Labor Day holiday weekend, and with that, another national Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over campaign.

It should seem obvious by now, but there is no good reason to drive while intoxicated. The potential consequences of doing so are drastic, expensive and could even be fatal.

Nationally, in 2017, one person died every 48 minutes in a drunken driving crash, and these preventable deaths account for approximately one-third of all traffic deaths each year. Despite the illegality and inherent risks, those statistics remain virtually the same year after year.

According to the Michigan State Police, the percentage of alcohol-related driving fatalities in our state is approximately 11 times higher than fatalities in all other crashes, and the serious injury level is about six times higher. During last year’s Labor Day holiday, MSP reported 12 fatal crashes, with six crashes involving alcohol.

In addition to risking life and limb, driving while intoxicated is a serious financial risk. On average, the MSP states a DUI can set you back $10,000 in attorney fees, fines, court costs, lost time at work, higher insurance rates, car towing and repairs, and so forth.

This Labor Day weekend — but really all of the time — if you are going to be drinking, please, for the sake and safety of yourself and others, do not get behind the wheel. Plan ahead for a sober ride home, whether that be a designated driver, calling a friend or family member to pick you up, or hailing a taxi or ride-share service. And if you see or suspect someone of drunken or drugged driving, contact law enforcement.

Labor Day weekend should be a fun time with family and friends to enjoy the last days of summer. Let’s keep it that way. Drunken driving is 100-percent preventable. Don’t make a bad choice and put yourself and others at risk.