LASATA: Yum! It’s National Ice Cream Month

Published 9:39 am Wednesday, July 3, 2019

Summer is, finally, in full swing in southwest Michigan. And as we dry out from the overly harsh, wet spring, many take to our favorite beaches, lakes and streams to bask in the warm sunshine.

During these summer months, nothing satisfies quite like a cone or cup of fresh Michigan-made ice cream. About 98 percent of Americans eat ice cream, and our state is home to almost 1,800 family-owned dairy farms. The dairy products they produce are among the state’s top export commodities. So while you enjoy your favorite ice cream treat this summer, remember you may be helping support a local farming family as well as our state’s economy.

July and ice cream go hand in hand, and that is part of why this month is recognized as National Ice Cream Month. It was first established as such in 1984 by former President Ronald Reagan, and the third Sunday of the month is also recognized as National Ice Cream Day.

Ice cream is a great American tradition — it’s been said that former first lady Martha Washington even served ice cream to her guests at Mount Vernon. In fact, no country on earth eats more ice cream than ours.

Whether you prefer your ice cream from a roving truck, a corner parlor, the grocery store or homemade, every time you partake, you are helping to carry on this rich tradition.

I hope that you and your family make time this summer to get out and enjoy our great outdoors and have some ice cream while you’re at it.

Kim LaSata, R, represents the 21st District, which includes Berrien, Cass and St. Joseph counties. She can be reached at (517) 373-6960 or