EDITORIAL: The good stories are worth reporting

Published 9:54 am Friday, June 28, 2019

So often we hear people complain about how the news is all doom and gloom. We listen to mutterings around town that newspapers and TV stations only report on negative or shocking news, and that the 24-hour news cycle has made it seem like only terrible things are happening. There are even songs written about the phenomenon.

We, of course, think reporting on breaking news, no matter how serious, is essential. However, we also believe that sharing our community’s happiness is just as important. There are few things we love more than to report on happy news in our areas. A story we published in yesterday’s Niles Daily Star is just one example.

On the front cover of Wednesday’s paper, a story was published about a father and son who were reunited after nearly four decades apart. Father, Richard Collins, 74, lost contact with his infant son, Rich Welch, now a father himself, nearly 40 years ago. Despite the years of distance, Collins never stopped looking for or asking about his son. The pair were reunited following DNA testing Tuesday after Welch came to Niles as a surprise visit.

The moment of their meeting was a powerful one, which brought family, friends and caretakers to tears.

It was a story that we were happy to share with the Niles community. We believe it is an essential function of a community newspaper not only to hold leaders accountable but also to celebrate our community’s triumphs.

We believe stories like this one carry importance to the community. As one source in the story said, stories like these “give us hope.”

So, please, continue to share with us your happy stories, and we will continue to spread the news — both the good and the bad.

Opinions expressed are those of general manager Ambrosia Neldon, managing editor Sarah Culton and sports editor Scott Novak.