Mailbox Improvement Week arrives in time for spring cleaning

Published 9:33 am Wednesday, May 8, 2019

DOWAGIAC — The U.S. Postal Service is asking all Dowagiac homeowners to inspect and repair their mailboxes during Mailbox Improvement Week, May 12 to18, said Postmaster Jan Hagen.

“Repairing suburban and rural mailboxes improves the appearance of our community and makes delivering and receiving mail safer for our carriers and customers,” Hagen said.

The postal service makes this annual request because of the wear and tear that occurs to mailboxes every year.

“This is especially important after the effects of last winter,” Hagen said.

Some of the typical improvements homeowners may need to do include:

• Replacing loose hinges on a mailbox door.

• Repainting a mailbox that may have rusted or has started to peel.

• Remounting a loosened mailbox post.

• Replacing or adding house numbers.

“If a homeowner plans to install a new mailbox or replace a worn one, he or she must use only Postal Service–approved traditional, contemporary or locking full/limited service mailboxes,” Hagen said. “Customers must be careful when purchasing curbside mail receptacles because the use of unapproved boxes is prohibited. Customers may use a custom-built mailbox, but they must consult with my office to ensure it conforms to guidelines applying to flag, size, strength and quality of construction.”

For more information on the use of names or numbers on mailboxes, or answers to any other questions, contact a local post office directly.

The Postal Service receives no tax dollars for operating expenses and relies on the sale of postage, products and services to fund its operations.