Community Garden sign-up begins

Published 10:13 am Monday, March 11, 2019

NILES — With spring just around the corner, the Niles Community Gardens is seeking people interested in using their green thumbs to help to cultivate local gardens.   

John Stevenson, of Niles, a coordinator of the Northside Garden, said the nonprofit is ripe with opportunities for seasoned and novice gardeners alike.

Those who participate will help grow an assortment of organic fruits and vegetables from raspberries to corn, squash, tomatoes, peppers and salad greens, as well as a variety of colorful flowers, to name just a few.

Stevenson described the involvement as a great way to learn about gardening.

“A lot of people would like to [garden], but have no idea how to start,” Stevenson said.

Those who participate in the cultivation and maintenance of the gardens are welcome to take home the fresh fruit and vegetables that are grown. This offers yet another major benefit to those that are part of the nonprofit, Stevenson said.

“There’s also a real benefit, I think, to taking in on your table things that you have grown yourself, rather than just what you bought at the grocery [store],” he said.

Niles Community Gardens manages three different gardens, including behind Northside Child Development Center, Holy Trinity Church and in front of the former Westside Administration Center, 111 Spruce St. Volunteers pick the location where they want to work.

Work on the garden is seasonal. In late March, participants will clear and prepare the garden plots for warmer weather. Work starts in earnest around mid-May. Gardeners will meet about three times a week.

For Stevenson, the community garden has given him a place to get back to his roots. Stevenson grew up gardening but fell out of habit as life got busy. When he moved from Chicago to Niles in 2012, he wanted to start gardening again but found the yard at his new home was too shady to grow the variety of fresh fruits and vegetables he coveted. In 2013, he joined the nonprofit effort and has been gardening in his Niles community ever since.

“It’s also nice to work with other people. You have that communal aspect of working together,” Stevenson said.

Those interested can sign up at any time. People can do so by visiting, calling the nonprofit at (269) 340-0801 or emailing The cost is $30 to $35 a year, which covers materials like seeds and equipment. People can also have their own plots for a cost of $15. There is no deadline to sign up.

Additionally, there are upcoming sign-ups at the Niles District Library from 1 to 3 p.m. Saturday, April 6 and 6 to 7:30 p.m. Thursday, May 9.