LETTER: One man’s trash…
Published 8:54 am Thursday, February 21, 2019
We’ve all heard the old adage, “One man’s trash is another man’s treasure.”
That phrase took on a whole new meaning for me when on the Tuesday morning, Feb. 12 edition of the CBS Channel 22 news broadcast, there appeared a horrific story out of California which that reported that a living infant had been discovered in the middle of a public road. The story went on to explain that the child’s (or fetal tissue if you prefer) umbilical cord wasn’t even cut. It would appear to any clear-thinking observer that it was the intent of the new parents or parent to abort the little human being via exposure or even possibly by a vehicle accidentally applying the “coup de grace.”
The law-enforcement officer quoted in the story stated that the parents should have taken the tiny bundle (or product of conception if you prefer) to a safe drop-off location.
How dare he force his prejudicial, unenlightened definitions upon “we the people” as well as the parents of this mass of unwanted biological tissue!
Recent laws jubilantly passed in New York, Virginia and an ever-growing list of “apo-States” have opened a Pandora’s Box of subjective definition as to who is truly human and worthy to live and who is not. Not only that, but we have now drifted far beyond the debate of when a human is considered human, and fallen directly into an abyss of post-birth infanticide; characteristic of the barbaric empires of antiquity.
If the anonymous Californians in question subjectively decided that this particular bundle of tissue was neither convenient nor celebrated or even truly human, who are we to say that what was done to “it” is actually wrong?
Perhaps the police should have simply radioed the road department to come and remove the unidentified and unwanted “road kill.” And if the attempted killing of a fully viable human person is no longer a criminal offence in these United States, then perhaps the worst crime that the wasteful west-coasters could be charged with is littering.
I pray that the parents and our country will be rescued from this madness, and that in the next 20 years there will be a story of an amazing young human who survived a botched vehicular abortion and went on to do something amazing.
“So,God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them (Genesis 1:27).”
Jeff Whittaker