Athlete Showcase: Brandywine’s Kristen Alvord
Published 9:43 am Friday, October 5, 2018
Kristen Alvord is a sophomore on the Brandywine volleyball team.
What has been one of your greatest accomplishments as an athlete?
KA: One of my greatest accomplishments as an athlete was making varsity as a freshman, and earning a starting spot and keeping it.
What has been one of your biggest disappointments as an athlete?
KA: One biggest disappointment as an athlete would have to be tearing my rotator cuff and sitting out the beginning of my high school season.
Who is a “hero” in your life and why?
KA: My hero would have to be my mom. No matter what is wrong with her she always does her best to make sure us kids are OK. Another reason would have to be that she would rather work almost every night to make sure we have everything than sleep.
Describe an embarrassing athletic moment.
KA: An embarrassing moment would have to be when I threw up on the court at Navy Pier for my travel season and my coach had to clean it up.
Why are sports an important part of a high school experience?
KA: Sports are an important part of high school, because it makes you responsible for something and makes you take ownership when you mess up. It also disciplines you.
How would you give away $50,000?
KA: I would split $50,000 between my family because my mom, grandma and aunts deserve the money with all they do for our family.
What is the most challenging thing for you to do in your sport?
KA: The most challenging thing in my sport would be to not get down on myself when I make mistakes.
What is the best compliment you have ever received?
KA: The best compliments I have received were from Vince Strefling, because I know if he says it he means, and when he says I hit good I know I did.