Meet the teacher: Tom Desenberg

Published 10:59 am Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Educators are perhaps the greatest population of unsung heroes in Berrien and Cass County. This school year, Leader Publications will publish a weekly spotlight featuring teachers throughout the district, giving the community a chance to get to know the hard-working individuals shaping their children’s lives. Throughout the next school year, their answers will be published in the newspaper that serves each school district.

Name: Tom Desenberg

School:  Niles High School

Tom Desenberg

Grade(s)/subject(s) taught:  U.S. History, A.P. U.S. History

Where did you attend college?  Central Michigan University

How many years have you been teaching? How many years have you been with your current school? Nineteen years total. This is my 10th year at the high school.

Why did you decide to become a teacher? I had a number of great teachers at Buchanan High School — Mr. Mucha, Mr. Foster, Mr. Storm, Ms. Writer, Mr. Bashara — who inspired me to become a teacher.

Outside of school, what do you enjoy doing for fun? I enjoy hunting and fishing, nature photography, mountain biking, reading and watching baseball.

What is one thing your students may not know about you? I played collegiate rugby at Central Michigan.

Who is your favorite fictional character and why?  John Le Carre’s spy George Smiley, because he is the main character in my favorite novel “Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy.”

When you were a student in the grade you teach, what were your favorite hobbies? I was a three-sport athlete and skied, mountain biked and read.

How would your co-workers describe your teaching style and personality? I would think that they would say I am fairly laid back, and pretty knowledgeable. 

Who is your biggest role model and why? My parents and my grandparents, because they taught me the valuable lessons about honesty, honor, integrity, and work ethic.

How has education changed in the last 10 years? It is the same as far as running your class, it is just that there is more documentation and regulations that need to be followed.

What is your best advice to parents to help their child continue growing academically? Model good habits.  Read to your kids when they are young, encourage them to keep reading and read yourself.  Take the family to cultural events, concerts, museums, and the like.  It helps instill a sense of wonder that encourages learning.

If my students learn one thing this year, I hope it is… To get along with each other and be conscience of how our behavior and attitude influences others.