Benac has my vote

Published 9:06 am Friday, August 3, 2018

Aug. 7 is a very important date for residents of Michigan’s 6th Congressional District.There are four Democrats on the ballot and it is crucial that the 6th District elect a representative who will invest in, listen to, and truly represent the people of southwest Michigan.

Long ago I decided David Benac was my choice for this job. Unlike so many candidates, David’s campaign has been a complete grassroots movement. His hundreds of volunteers and donors are local Michiganders, all of whom live in the 6th District.

He’s made a name for himself by knocking on thousands of doors, attending dozens and dozens of town hall meetings and in-home gatherings, and making himself accessible for conversation at any social event.

I first met David Benac when my husband and I hosted a house party. After hearing him speak, our friends left excited about David’s future as a candidate.

Through the many events I’ve attended, David has continued to stand out because of his clear, confident, and progressive vision. Early on he posted dozens of detailed policy statements online. These include specifics, with concrete goals, not the generic banter we are used to hearing from politicians.

David Benac is a man who has spent the last year and a half traversing the 6th District — meeting us, listening to us, and learning from us. He brings the knowledge, voice, and vision that the other candidates lack and that this district desperately needs.

Andrea Villarreal
