Vote for Kim LaSata

Published 9:36 am Wednesday, August 1, 2018

Tax cuts, record low unemployment, superb Supreme Court Justice nominations. I was proud to vote for Donald Trump in 2016 and I have not been disappointed.

I also voted for Kim LaSata in 2016, and she hasn’t let me down either. As State Representative, she has posted a solid record of consistently supporting conservative issues and pushing for common sense, meaningful reforms. Additionally, Kim LaSata endorsed and supported President Trump in 2016.

Her Republican primary opponent, meanwhile, has the most liberal voting record of any Republican State Representative according to multiple vote-tracking groups. He was also a vocal “Never Trumper,” publicly stating that he would not endorse or even vote for Donald Trump in 2016.

When this Senate seat opened up this year, I was glad to see that Kim LaSata stepped up to run. Looking at the choices we have, she is without a doubt the candidate who will best represent our area’s values in Lansing.

Please join me in voting Kim LaSata for State Senate on Aug. 7.

Tim Johnson

St. Joseph