LETTER: A rocket scientist for governor?

Published 8:32 am Monday, July 23, 2018

Michigan has long said that it does not take a rocket scientist to solve its problems. I strongly disagree. I believe it will take a rocket scientist to fix Michigan’s problems with our failing roads, high auto insurance rates, not so affordable quality healthcare, micro-managed education and misfocused state spending.

Let me introduce you to Senator Patrick Colbeck. Pat worked as an aerospace engineer (Rocket Scientist) for Boeing for more than 20 years, owned/operated a small business and is currently finishing his second term as State Senator.

Pat is Pro-Life, Pro Second Amendment and Pro Family. As Governor, Pat will eliminate our state income tax putting 4.25 percent back in your pocket, fix our roads the right way without raising taxes, reduce auto insurance 40 to 60 percent and seniors no more pension tax.

Pat has also led the effort to improve the quality of veteran services from one of the worst to # 2 in the nation in just 4 years. Wow. Seems too good to be true yet someone must be our Governor.

I have personally met Pat, looked into his voting record and went to his website where I found written solutions as well as numerous videos that answered all my questions.

I invite every absentee and regular voter to visit ColbeckforGovernor.com and decide for themselves.

Remember, you can’t split the ballot and must choose Republican or Democrat.

Vote Colbeck for Governor on August 7th, and let’s make Michigan great again.

Michael Cluster

Three Oaks