Ontwa Township approves Complete Streets budget

Published 8:10 am Thursday, April 12, 2018

ONTWA TOWNSHIP— Monday’s meeting of the Ontwa Township Board of Trustees approved the Complete Streets budget amendment for the addition of pedestrian and bike lanes spanning from Claire Street to the Edwardsburg Sports Complex, with a new contribution of an additional $258,260.

Complete Streets is a program in which streets are designed and operated to enable safe access for all users, including pedestrians, bicyclists, motorists and transit riders. In enabling this project, bike lanes and pedestrian lanes will be added to the stretch of road between Edwardsburg High School and the Edwardsburg Sports Complex.

About a mile and a half long and 10 feet wide, the concrete path for bikers and pedestrians will begin at Claire Street and end at the Edwardsburg Sports Complex. Currently, Edwardsburg High School runners use the sports complex to practice and host events, but are running down U.S. 12 and crossing when parallel to the sports complex. The addition of pedestrian lanes will provide them a safer route and easier access to the facility.

Since 2015, $25,000 per year has been set aside in a restricted account for Complete Streets. Including this year’s contribution of $25,000, the current total stands at $100,000, with plans to continue to add money until the project is started. Construction is scheduled to begin in late summer to early fall of 2018.

An additional $258,260 can now be accounted for, with funding from a Congestion Mitigation Air Quality federal grant of $148,260, $50,000 from the Edwardsburg Sports Complex, and $60,000 from Complete Streets funding. All members approved the budget amendment.

Clerk Tina VanBelle announced the resolution to renew the previously adopted annual ambulance millage for upkeep of service and overall maintenance. This renewal will come with no tax changes because of the nature of a renewal. Edwardsburg Ambulance Service has reached its 50th year of service, making it the oldest ambulance service in the state. Decals for trucks will be dispersed to celebrate this honor.

Local Girl Scouts spoke in support of implementing two to three blood drives per year through the Medical Foundation of South Bend. The program would travel to Edwardsburg for each event, making it more accessible to locals native to southwestern Michigan. Participants must be at least 16 years of age with parental permission, or 17 or older without permission.

Girl Scouts would run the blood drive and provide light refreshments and snacks, including their famous Girl Scout cookies. The board will sit down with the local troop leader to determine dates and times.

State Representative Dave Pagel spoke to the board and its audience to inform them of his future plans to run for State Senate. Pagel is in his final term as State Representative, having served three two-year terms.