LETTER: Redbud or greenbud?

Published 8:00 am Friday, December 1, 2017

I am writing regarding the recent legalization of medical marijuana facilities in Buchanan, and how the local town council has been duped into thinking this is a good thing.

The average marijuana plant can be harvested four times per year with an average yield of 1 pound or so a plant. With the average cost being $20 a gram, or $500 an ounce, and a pound wholesaling for $5,000, do the math.

You are talking about millions of dollars, making the outspoken advocates at the town meetings and partners multi-millionaires. These folks don’t want to help anyone, they want to get rich.

It is clear that the council has done very little in the way of researching possible maneuvers to revitalize the downtown, opting to go for the quick buck, which will in fact leave the town a totally different place once completed and not for the better.

Instead of the Redbud City, the council should now pass an amendment to change the nickname to the Greenbud City, and our slogan to “Marijuana capitol of southwest Michigan,” which something to truly be proud of.

Derrick Sousley
